DR weinke from Dallas

Warm-up (5 minutes)
– SSH: 1 minute
– Arm circles: 1 minute
– Bodyweight squats: 1 minute
– High knees: 1 minute
– Mountain climbers: 1 minute

Main Workout (35 minutes)
– Kettlebell swings: 1 minute
– Goblet squats: 1 minute
– Kettlebell deadlifts: 1 minute
– Kettlebell lunges (alternating legs): 1 minute
– Kettlebell clean and press: 1 minute
– Russian twists with kettlebell: 1 minute
– Kettlebell halos: 1 minute
– Rest: 30 to 60 seconds

Repeat the Main Workout circuit for a total of 3 rounds.

Cool Down (5 minutes)
– Stretching: 5 minutes

TClap |

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