Scary DORA

WARMUP: 40 SSH, SLOW Windmills, Imperial walkers, Hillbilly walkers
THE THANG: In a push to not only do something hard physically, but to fight through the mental pain as well. Life’s hard and that’s why you can’t do it OYO. Indian Run around the campus. It’s a big campus and lost a few along the way. Circled back and found a place for the main event in the elementary school bus loop.
Scary DORA: 100 Burpees, 200 Big Boys, low plank while your partner ran around the circle 3x. Run back the way we came to COT, which was a long way.
MARY: Freddies, Flutters, Dollys, Merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shieldlock Challenge, Bethal Men’s Shelter, Thanksgiving Convergence, Thanksgiving volunteer opportunites.
COT: Prays asked for. Lots of transition for people and praise for getting out of bed again.

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