Dawn Patrol

Six this morning at Dawn Patrol.  Taking advantage of the extra hour of sleep and still getting our work in!

Warm Up: Mosey, SSH, Merkins, Slow Windmills, etc.


All PAX wall sit, take turns 15 yard bear crawl and 3 burpees.

Split into two groups and circle the parking lot alternating between bear crawls and mosey. Stations of 30 squats, 25 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 25 LBC’s , and 20 Plank Punches.

Back to the Amphitheater for a quick ab lab and and COT.

Show Me The Money (sleeping in) and Jekyll (vacation) were missed, and they missed out on some life and safety lessons from Change Order.

Prayers for kids making smart choices and those undergoing medical procedures.

It’s been a while, but I am glad to have the opportunity to Q this morning.IMG_3796

TClap |

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