Coach says Don’t Quit!

The inevitable confusion of a new AO meeting in a different parking lot of a familiar place led to YHC almost being late. For those attending in the future, parking for The Coaches Box is next to the actual coaches box at the baseball field. Also known as the band practice field with the painted football field on the parking lot.

Given that YHC showed up confused, it seemed like a good idea to start with a mosey toward the other two parking lots typically utilized at FMHS. As soon as we reached that lot we saw a black Jeep confusingly creeping along. After parking in a random spot, we picked up Cheddah and continued our mosey to the school entrance.

– SSH x30
– Imperial Walker x15
– Merkin x10
– “what the hell are these called, oh yeah” Moroccan Nightclubs x15
– Dips on the benches x10

Most back to the band practice field.

Band practice field:
– Bear crawl to the 10 – 1 Burpee
– Crawl bear back
– Bear crawl to the 20 – 2 Burpees
– Crawl bear back
– Continue to the 50 – 5 burpees
– Crawl bear back from the 50
– Run past the 50 to the 40 – 6 burpees
– Nur back
– Continue for the whole field finishing with 10 burpees and a Nur back to the start

This took way longer than expected so the second half of the weinke was cut short.

Mosey to the pull up bars (3 rounds)
– 10 pull ups (decrease by 1 each round)
– 20 merkins (decrease by 2 each round)
– 30 American Hammers (decrease by 3 each round)

– Doty Run this weekend
– Cannoli run next weekend

Thank you Cyclops for the opportunity! As he said, we started the day 3-0!!!

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