The Hive 2017.41

There were 6 this day that decided to embrace the suck this AM.

SSH, Windmill, IWs, Merkins

The Thang

Mosey to the patio for some Push Pull exercises
20 Wall Pushes (fall into the wall, and push yourself back up)
20 Twist Pushes (Face back to wall with right arm out at 45deg of wall, fall into wall and push off with left arm) each arm
10 Snatches EA
20count Freddy Mercury with bell
Repeat for 3 rounds

Partner up
Partner 1 lung walks with both bells 20 yds and back while Partner 2 wall sits
(round 2 and 3 was changed to squats with bells in racked position)
10 bent row EA
20 Russian Twist
Repeat for 3 rounds

Front Raises x10 and hold out till 6 is finished
20 Twist Pushes (see above)
Repeat 2 rounds

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The Hive 2017.39

I have a backlog of backblasts to write so here they go… backblast number 1 of 3!

This was a wonderful morning that appeared like it was going to be just me and Fire Marshall Bill, but Stones came in for this second post ever, and Vernon came in on two wheels at 5:17 cause he spaced and forgot where he was going or why he was a wake at 5:15 in the morning, apparently.

SSH, Windmill, IWs, Merkins

The Thang
52 card pickup, Aces are a 200m~ish lap, face cards are 10 doublecount russian twists, number cards give you the reps of and suit give you the exercise: spades = snatches, hearts = swings, diamonds = squats, clubs = mil press

And that’s… pretty much… it.

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I Q, then You Q and round the circle we go

Answering the Call from Birdcage to get out of my comfort zone, Bullwinkle and YHC  decided to buzz The Hive. 7 Pax arrived with KBs in tow and ready to work. Having seen a tweet from Tesh late the night before, I suspected that we would be Q-less. But, being Q-less is not the same as being clueless for the Pax of The Fort. So, after a brief discussion, YHC decided to lead the warm-up and we would work around the circle with each pax calling out an exercise. Take a lap after each set of exercises.

Warm up lap around 1/2 of the lot (it’s a large parking lot). Circle up for COP (all IC): SSH*15, Imperial Walkers * 15, Merkins * 10, Plank-O-Rama, Windmills * 10

The Thang:

Without the benefit of a weinke, this is all from my foggy memory, but a fine beatdown ensued. There were many skull crushers, curls, goblet squats and others. Typically, we’d pick 2 exercises, do 20 reps of both and take a lap. One particularly nasty section had us doing 30 KB swings, 10 merkins, 20 KB swings, 10 merkins then 10 KB swings and 10 merkins. Other notes:

  • Airborne pulled out some figure 8s that he had recently done with boys in the Rock Region. Real crowd pleaser. Nice Work
  • Fire Marshall Bill- can’t remember the exercise, but he always brings a smile and a positive attitude
  • Squeaky-he may be new to this F3 thing, but he brings a desire to get better
  • Smithers- had his 6-month F3-versary coming up and says he has is already down 2 or 3 pant sizes. Keep up the hard work brother, great to have you with us
  • Vernon- working that core and setting a great example for the kids that he leads every day
  • Bullwinkle- brings a lot of great ideas and some exercises that sound easy but leave you #smoked

Great participation and effort from the group. This was the definition of a collaborative effort. To go along with the theme for September- each of us lead the group in one way or another. It was an enjoyable morning in the gloom.

Short Sale out


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UvsU at The Hive

Three Hive regulars showed up for a Friday morning beat down in the gloom.  The workout promised to be the ultimate UvsU test.  Just you and the bell…

The Warmup:

Mosey around the parking lot for the usual morning jog (silent J).

Circle Up:

Seal Jacks x 20

WM x 10

Merkins x 10

Plank Jacks x 10

The Thang:

YHC had 6 cones set up with 2 exercises per cone.  2 sets per exercise.  The first round is to failure and the second is 1 more than the previous round to failure.

Cone #1:

American Hammers

Leg Raises

Lunge walk to next station

Cone #2

Dead Lifts


Reverse Lunge walk to next station

Cone #3

Merkins (each side until failure)

Lunge walk to next station

Cone #4

Curls (both arms)

Tricep Ext.

Reverse lunge walk to next station

Cone #5

Chest Press

Skull Crushers

Times up.


Read your newsletter.

Prayers for employment, family challenges and those impacted by natural disaster and there recovery.


This proved to be a pretty difficult workout.  YHC was a little unsure of how this would go and some tweaks will be made before the next one.

The concept was that no matter how hard you push, your second effort should never exceed your best effort.  In this case, your first push to failure should always exceed your second.

You never know who is watching you, in F3 and beyond.  Always be leading…

I think I re-aggravated my F3 tramp stamp today.  We really should put some money into re-paving The Hive parking lot.  And add Airborne’s “F3 Tramp Stamp” to the lexicon.



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The Hive 2017.36

It was a pleasant morning with a familiar faces.  Being somewhat of an introvert, it warms my heart and comforts my thoughts to see familiar faces.  New people scare me (AKA stranger danger).  Anyway…

SSH,  Hillbilly Walkers x50 (never really took this one all the way to falure, but you really feel it in your hips)

Ab exercise, shoulder exercise, ab exercise, should exercise, ab… er, you get it.
First ab movement: While on 6 place partners bell by one side, place your bell on the other.  Do a big boy situp and pick your bell up and lift it over your partners bell, big boy situp and put it back. x10 (like a harder Capt Thor)
Shoulder: Handstand Pushups x10
Abs: Same movement with partners bell on opposite side
Shoulder: B2W shoulder taps x10
Abs: Russian Twist x20
Shoulders: B2W (4×10 count)
Abs: Freddy Mercs w/ bell x20
Shoulders: B2W (3×10 count)

Next round
A “sally” workout: UP – bell overhead, DOWN – bell held out straight
(This one burns so bad… if you can do the whole thing, get a bigger bell)

Final round
Snatch x10 each arm, Squats x10, Repeat
Military Press x10 each arm, Flutters x30

And that’s the game.  Prayers for the guys going to Colombia (but they found a new call).

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Getting “Jack”ed at The Hive

Nice cool morning at The Hive with the Typical number of 5 ready to get better. Quick Disclaimer and then time to get Started.

The Thang

4 corner Mosey Lap to warmup.
SSH x 15 at first corner
Windmills x 15 and second corner
Imperial Walkers x 15 at Third corner
Mountain Climbers x 15 at Fourth Corner

Grab The bell and head to the Board and a deck of cards.

Diamonds – Chest Press
Hearts – Upright Rows
Clubs – Sqauts
Spades – KB swings
Jacks – 10 Bicep Curls each arm (all within the last 8 cards, hence the title of this BB)
Queens – 10 Deadlifts
Kings – 5 KB Burpees
Ace – Run a lap around the parking lot

After going through the deck finished with:
15 shoulder Presses run to opposite side of parking lot and do 20 Situps and run back to bell.
20 American Hammers run to opposite side of parking lot and do 15 Merkins and run back to bell.
15 Tricep extensions run to opposite side of parking lot and do 20 flutter kicks and run back to bell.

Mosey back to the cars with bell in tow.

Announcements – Invergence/Convergence last Friday/Saturday in September

Prayers – Airbornes Daughter and Clemson with all she has done for the First Friday Parade, those affected by the Hurricane, Injured Pax, marriages,

Moleskin – Not much to say today. Thanks Tesh for the opportunity to come out and lead The Hive again.

Shanks out

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The Hive 2017.32

Quick and dirty backblast:

Warmup: SSHs, IWs, Merkins

The Thang:
Mosey to the drag strip patio for decent concrete and good lighting (it’s also better for acoustics  😛 )

2223 – inspired by the CrossFit games this is 4 intervals, three 2 minute intervals with 1 minute rest and a 3 minute interval to end it.  So each interval is 20 Jump Squats, 60 Freddy Mercuries (single count), AMRAP KB Snatches (alternate arms)

This is a real burner.  Its only 12 minutes but I definitely had to rest and then mosey and then rest some more.

Next was 3 rounds of 4 count Russian Twists x20 and B2W Shoulder Taps x10

Finished it with some abs and 10 KB burpees.

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The Hive: Different Kind of Buzz

Nacho Libre and I were thinking we were a duo but right at 0514 Asphalt and Tesh came in hot ready to go.

No FNGs and no rookies so away we went. Advertising days in advance did not draw the crowd but I’m good with that as it allows us to have better fellowship while a strong beat down.

mosey to COP and rapid fire excercises

  • SSHs
  • Imperial walkers
  • Sumo Squats
  • merkins
  • hillybilly walkers
  • traditional squats
  • Carolina dry docks

mosey to bells


Each exercise for 1 min

  1. L/R curls
  2. KB swing
  3. lunge passthru
  4. fkutters
  5. run lap


  1. concentration curls
  2. shoulder press
  3. goblet squat
  4. american hammers
  5. run lap


  1. tri-extentions
  2. upright rows
  3. right leg squat
  4. v-ups
  5. run lap


  1. skull crushers
  2. bent rows
  3. left leg squat
  4. hello dolly
  5. run lap


  1. figure eights
  2. time up

thanks Tesh for the Q

great pax and AO at The Hive!!

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The Hive 2017.26

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 07/07/17
  • Pax: Asphalt, Rebel, Javert, Airborne, Assassin, Vernon, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

The year is halfway over…  I hope everyone is halfway to their goals for the year.

I was expecting this to be a light showing since Indepence Day seems to send everyone in vacation mode, but it was above “average” so I was pleasantly surprised.

Warmup: SSH, Jimmy Carters, Hillbillies, Good mornings

The Thang

Do each set of exercises then run a lap, add 5 to each exercise and run a lap
Row x10, dip x15, snatch x10
LBC x15, Russian twist x10 with bell, Russian twist x15 without bell, flutter x15
(The Russian twists were with feet locked on bleachers, going back as far as you can stand it)
KettleBall squat x10 (like a wall ball), curl x10, freddy mercury x15

To finish out time: Clean&Press x15 each arm, Arm protractor w/ bell

Back to COT.  Thanks to all the PAX that show up every week.  Every workout is a blessing.  I hope to see you next week.

TClap |

5 at The Hive

  • QIC: River Rat
  • When: 06/30/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Airborne, Backdraft, Seacrest, River Rat
  • Posted In: The Hive

4 men showed up to better themselves on a muggy Friday at The Hive. Having never spent any time at this location I was not well acquainted enough to do anything very creative with the landscape. That being said, I hope I was able to deliver a sufficient workout to suit the PAX.


  • SSH x20
  • Windmill x15
  • Imperial Walker x20
  • Little Baby Arm Circles x20
  • Merkins (3 count down, 1 up) x10

The Thang:

  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot
  • 10 Kettlebell burpees OYO
  • American Hammers x20
  • Flutters x20
  • LBC’s with bell x20
  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot

Next Exercise was a “500”

  • 20 Curls (10 each arm)
  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Calf Raises
  • 20 Squats
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • Run to the far side of the parking lot and back (approx 200 yards)
  • Repeat this set 5 times to achieve 100 reps of each of the 5 exercises

We wrapped up with a dealer’s choice workout. A PAX would call out an exercise and then run to the far side of the parking lot while rest completed the exercise. We completed 2 before the time ran out.

  • Staggered Merkins – one hand on bell
  • Kettlebell Swings

We had some quality mumblechatter and shared announcements and prayer requests. Thanks to the men for allowing me to honor of leading you guys.

-River Rat out…

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