The Hive 2017.39

I have a backlog of backblasts to write so here they go… backblast number 1 of 3!

This was a wonderful morning that appeared like it was going to be just me and Fire Marshall Bill, but Stones came in for this second post ever, and Vernon came in on two wheels at 5:17 cause he spaced and forgot where he was going or why he was a wake at 5:15 in the morning, apparently.

SSH, Windmill, IWs, Merkins

The Thang
52 card pickup, Aces are a 200m~ish lap, face cards are 10 doublecount russian twists, number cards give you the reps of and suit give you the exercise: spades = snatches, hearts = swings, diamonds = squats, clubs = mil press

And that’s… pretty much… it.

TClap |

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