Sweat Fest at #EaglesNest

  • QIC: Pig Papi
  • When: 09/27/16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Burgundy, Mayflower Respect, Sgt York, PCH, HoneyPot, HotSpot, Mcenroe, Dingo, Dr. Ruth, Slow PItch, Red Ryder, Apache, Anchor Bar Respect, Jag Respect, Padeye, Chuckee Respect, Freon,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was an honor to lead 18 PAX this fine morning at #EaglesNest.  This was my second Q ever and this was double the size of my VQ,  I was a bit nervous to say the least but then I told myself Hey  Big Papi this is Rock Hill they get what F3 is all about, they have your back you can do this.


Warm UP:

Windmill x15 IC

Moroccan Night Club X20 IC


Merkins X10 IC

Mosey to the Fountain,  YHC had no idea where the fountain was located so the PAX directed and away we went.

Intervals (30sec tempo, 10sec recover) turbo leg ups right, turbo leg ups left,  box jumps were on the schedule but the fountain ledge was to narrow and wet.

Mosey to the building we usually run laps around with the steps, once again YHC had no clue how to get to that location and I think Honey Pot led the way, but all of a sudden the PAX heard a loud splash and found Apache doing Bear Crawls inside the fountain, did not surprise me one bit  it was possible he was all hopped on three 5 hour energys but not sure,

YHC explained next exercise would be “The Cooper” had PAX partner up with 2-4 in a group,  “The Cooper” went like this:

1 lap

10 burpees

10 Squats

10 Merkins

run a lap then 9 , you get the picture,  Time was running out so YHC called off the cooper at 5 of each .

Mosey to field where where the rocks are, once again another PAX had to lead the way this time it was Italian Job.

It was time for Dora 1 2 3 with coupons

Partner up and grab a rock, 100 merkins, 200 SSH’s & 300 LBC’s, the runner went up the hill – with his coupon and back and passed it off to his partner.  Italian Job gave a time check and most of the PAX finished the round,  I wanted to squeeze in 1 more little treat of single file run to the outside fire exit stairs for run up and down, but was told we did not have enough time,

Mosey back to COT

Praises and Prayers

Chuckee led us out with a great prayer

I am truly blessed to be part of F3 Nation and to lead all of you,  each one of you is a true #HIM

Like I said before Rock HIll gets what F3 is all about.

Big Papi out!!!

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Better Late Than Never

  • QIC: Burgundy
  • When: 9/20/16
  • Pax: Dingo, Anchor Bar, Dr. Ruth, Screech, Holster, Stockyard, Gauge, Padeye, Italian Job, Apache, Pescador, Sapper, Black Hawk, Incoming, Smiley Face, HBC, Sgt. York, Ponytail, Hot Spot, Freon, Honeypot, Red Rider, Slow Pitch, Waterboy, Crayola
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

SSH x 10

5 Burpees

Squats x 10

4 Burpees

Imperial Walker X 10

3 Burpees

Windmill X 10

2 Burpees

Plank Jacks X 10

1 Burpee


Run to Scholars Walk


20 merkins

10 squats

You have a minute to complete. Done early then rest. Still exercising up to the last second? then we will start again at the next minute. Goal – finish both exercises before the minute is up


25 Italian Nightclub

10 jump squats


30 LBC’s

15 Shoulder presses


20 Carolina Dry Docks

10 Boat / Canoe


15 Burpees




20 Hello Dolly

10 Diamond merkins


25 SSH

10 staggered merkin (right)


30 LBC’s

10 staggered merkin (left)


30 high knees (single count)

10 scorpion merkin


10 Burpees





Run to The Big Show


Line up at the bottom – run up to the top – do 1 merkin


Run down to the bottom – do 2 merkins


Run to the top – do 3 merkins


Wash and repeat until you get to 10 merkins

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Board of Moderation II

  • QIC: Dawg Pound
  • When: 09/26/16
  • Pax: Crayola, Dr Ruth, Striker, PCH, Anchor Bar, Blackhawk, Captain Kangaroo, Padeye
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Now that the school year has started and my coaching duties are in full swing I find it difficult to post as often as I would like, or as often as I need to.  I try to make Independence a priority as it fits my schedule nicely and the location and AO are top  notch.

I also, enjoy the camaraderie that usually comes with a smaller more intimate group.  This opportunity proved to have just that.

Before we get started with the particulars of the workout, I want to take a minute to talk about the participants.

Padeye-You made a huge impact in a short amount of time.  Keep pushing and keep working.  Always an inspiration.

Anchor Bar-You are a man who leads by example and with words of wisdom and assistance.  With you working out, no Q ever needs to ask for someone to help bring up the 6.  Thanks.

Captain Kangaroo-A respectable among respectables. I hope everyone sees you the way I do, as a leader and inspiration.

Blackhawk-We started around the same time, so this may sound weird, but I consider you almost like a part of my “pledge class”, I pay extra attention to your growth and development.  Your leadership at Independence is great, and your BBs have inspired me to take this time to write about each individual.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Crayola, Striker, Dr. Ruth-I feel I need to speak about you collectively. I am sure I speak for many when I say there is no way you could’ve convinced me to get up and work out with a bunch of old men in the dark before dawn.  But you guys keep coming and bringing more and more guys with you.  I am not sure you guys understand the impact you are making and will make on not only the HIMs of F3 but your communities.  Keep it up.

PCH-Always great to welcome an FNG.  It’s not easy to get up and start on this journey.  After seeing the Name-a-rama from Eagle’s Nest this morning I know you came back for more.

Now let’s get down to it.

After the disclaimer was dislcaimed and we reviewed the 5 Principles of F3 we started with a short, slow mosey and on that mosey finished at the Board of Moderation and proceeded to do the following with a partner helping split the load.  Our venerable SiteQ worked on his own as we had uneven numbers and he had to leave early for work.

Phase I

100 Imperial Walkers

150 Overhead Claps

100 Squats

150 Peter Parkers

150 Italian Night Clubs

100 Windmills

150 Merkins

150 Side Straddle Hops

150 Carolina Dry Docks

100 Monkey Humpers

Also during the course of Phase 1 the HIMs with partners ran from one end of the parking lot to the other three times. When they ran was at their discretion.

Phase II

Our men found out the Board of Moderation has a backside, or perhaps a downside, depending on your point of view.

For this phase we moved to the grass field, or as I like to refer to it, the Quidditch field(I’ve seen students play quidditch their, which just reminds me how old I am).

We used the bushes as our landmarks and did the following.

Crawl Bear

Bear Crawl

Buny Hop


Carioca(not karaoke as many think)

Phase III

This phase was the ab phase. Always a great way to end in my opinion.

30 Flutter kicks OYO

25 LBCs IC

25 Rosalitas IC

40 Partner leg throws

25 Box Cutters OYO

As I stated earlier this was my second time using my Board of Moderation at Independence.  I must say I was in better shape then and flirted with being unable to do my own Q, but thanks to the HIMs and especially Striker, I was able to push through.  We really are stronger together.

We finished up with

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PreBlast: PHOP Site Q Change 9/28

Join us Tomorrow 9/28/16 5:15AM
DOG Pound Takes over as Site Q

One year and a month ago I was working out with Padre knowing that he would be leavin our region to lead a church in Easley SC. The impact that this HIM man had on me is something I never forget. I have never had someone encourage me and push me like Padre.

Then Padre asked if I would take over the Q Duty at PHOP. I had only been coming to F3 for about three months. I did not feel prepared, however he ensured me that I was ready to do the same he had done for me.

With that being said it’s been an amazing year leading the boys at PHOP. I have been led more by the PAX that have take Q privilege week in and week out! We went through a change to get gear back into the rotation. We now have tractor tires, cinder blocks, Buckets With Rocks, and tons of other fun!

Over the last few months Dog Pound has really stepped up and given me a focus on bettering PHOP. As I have made these changes I have seen a change in him. He has become a leader in our Region! He has worked hard to get better but not only himself he ensure others get better along side him.

So it is with great honor that I get to pass the Site Q flag off to this HIM.

Join us tomorrow 9/27/16
5:15 at PHOP – North Rock Hill Church
Support this New Site Q as he continues the mission of creating and empowering male leaders in our community.

As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.

Riddler Out!

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River Walk Hills of Gloom 9-25-16

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 9-25-2016
  • Pax: Stage Coach, Mayflower, Catfish and YHC.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

A Fantastic Group of 4 HIMs gathered for a morning run in the Gloom.  Pushing the Rock by everyone.  I received several IMs about what the milage is for the Gloom and other questions of what to expect.

Run your pace and distance.  Enjoy the beautiful River Walk and God’s World in the early  mornings.

Followed up with Coffee and fellowship

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Lancaster F3 next week must attend Events

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 9/26 thru 10/1
  • Pax: All regions
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

This week’s main events Lancaster F3

Must attend events from all Pax, come sharpen Iron and push your brothers of the gloom with the betterment of each other thru the daily struggles of life because every man needs F3


Monday 9/26/16: Official AO Launch at the Lancaster Second Baptist Church

1426 Great Falls Hwy, Lancaster, SC 29720  

Along with 2 VQ’s from our brothers, Tickets and Ashtray.


Wednesday 9/28/16: The Justice League Boot camp

2 VQ’s The Grave Digger and Homer located downtown Lancaster County Government building 101 N Main St, Lancaster, SC 29720  


Friday 9/30/16 The Forts 4th annual INVERGENCE please click on link and sign up



Saturday 10/01/16 The Normandy Beach AO with 1 VQ from Dangerfield and Apache Q

Located Lancaster High School 617 Normandy Rd, Lancaster, SC 29720  

Aye Apache

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The Patriot 9-24-16. Ponytail and Samurai Assault on Sullivan Middle

What a humbling experience we had as Co-Qing this outstanding group of HIMs.  The weather started out nice and cool but soon changed like always.  With 2 FNGs Yogi and Triple Threat we gave the disclaimer and jumped into stretching.

Magic Number for the day was 15 either exercise count or rounds of exercises.

Wrist stretches holds

Windmills x 15

Dillon County Cotton Pickers x 15

Mosey to the big field by the softball field running a Reverse Indian Merkin Run.

SSH x 15

SLOWWW Merkins x 15

Overhead Claps x 15

Moved to the hill and giving instructions on the work Pain Station 1

3 levels of work.  Bottom level 15 Merkins of either Diamond, Ranger or Wide Arm Merkins x 15

Second Level CDD x 10

Third Level is Burpees x 5

Repeat 5 rounds then Plank up for the 6

Good mumble chatter from this Pain Station then off to the picnic tables for Round 2 Pain Station

Derkins x 15

Irkings x 15

Dips x 15

5 Rounds

Lots of sucking air after this work.

I passed the reigns over to Pony Tail for the second half

Pony Tail then shared the story of The Prodigal Sons.  Gods Grace, Fathers Forgiveness

Pony Tail had the PAX mosey to the Football Field for the second half of the Assault on ABS.

4 Corners of Partner Leg Throws x 15 followed by 15 LBCs

Move to the next corner of the field and rinse and repeat to the start.  Note Flash and Flash Jr were killing the work, Jr making Dad work hard.

Rinse and Repeat

Line up for a Indian Train LBCs 1 Lap

Rinse and Repeat for another Lap.

On the Track circled up and had 8 Minutes of AB LAB, PAX calling out AB work quickly to kill the remainder of what energy we had left.

Moseyed back to the COT for Prayers and Concerns



Mr. Big Stuff


Charlotte Rioting


Bubazilla’s Son better since last Dr. visit to Mexico

River Rat selling and purchasing of new home and asking for help next Sat moving a few things to the new home.  Maybe sugar is being used to get help, donuts and bagels.  Be prepared to help our brother.

Upcoming Events


Next Friday Fort Mill Pot Luck Gathering at Alice Springs Greenway

Christmas Party register is open look at the Weekly News Letter.

Pony Tail and I were humbled to Co-Q this Patriot Workout Assault.  The feeling is like driving a Pro Stock Funny Car, lots of horses.


Samurai Out

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2nd Annual F3 Soccer Arms Cup

  • QIC: FunHouse
  • When: 11/19/2016
  • Pax: Anyone that knows how to play soccer or wants to have some fun!
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Fort PAX – Who is ready to relive the glory days and show off your ball handling skills (don’t even think about TWSS) on the pitch once again?

The fields are set – this year’s Soccer Arms Cup will take place on Saturday November 19th, from 11am – 2pm at Matthews SportsPlex. Cost $20 per player.

Last year was a one-off Metro vs. Area 51, but with the addition of The Fort this year, it will be a round-robin event where the 3 of us each play each other, and bragging rights go to the guys atop the standings.

It will be 11v11, so we need to be aiming for a squad of 20 guys, with cost likely no more than $15-20 each to cover for field, referees, and shirts.

Please RSVP and in the comment section add your t-shirt size.

I will let you know how to pay in the near future – bring cash/check with you or PayPal.

I will be holding a practice or two for S&G’s.  I will also be sending out those dates after I get some names on the list.

We will be using this event as a Fundraiser / Awareness event for the fantastic Charlotte Eagles organization, and I’d like to share once again the banquet info (below) that our very own Dollywood has put together – if you would like to join us on our F3 tables, please let BodyBag know.  It’s a truly amazing cause!

Banquet Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Doors open: 6:00 pm    Program: 6:30-8:30 pm

Place: Calvary Church, Crown Room  5801 Pineville-Matthews Rd.  Charlotte, NC 28270

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor $2,500/Dinner Sponsor $1,500/Table Sponsor $450/Individual Tickets $60

Have questions? Feel free to contact Josh Wood at 423-578-0116

Contact me with questions – 803-325-5255.  joshuacsale@hotmail.com

Sign up Genius is here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0949adab2da3f94-2ndannual

FunHouse – Manager/Coach/Captain/Medic/Water Boy/Hair Stylist

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#F3Brothership 9/23/16

  • When: 09/23/16
  • Pax: Gauge, Mary Lou, Corruption, TChaser-HilBully, Apache, Birdcage, Rucking-Trucker, Rucking-Spitz, and Maximus,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Week #2 for #F3TheBrothership

Humid and 72 degrees


AYG .9 mile run to The Ship

Tribute workout to Muthaship: Max set of = 10 Diamonds, up the stairs, 10 Diamonds, down the ramp, up the ramp, 25 LBC, down the stairs, 25 LBC, across the bottom deck = 1 and keep repeating until 0550.

COT/ Prayer or Praise/ BOM

AYG .9 mile run away from The Ship

Naked Man Moleskine:
Mary Lou is faster than you on one good leg…

Birdcage is a giant and faster than you…

Maximus, Gauge, and Corruption thought we could have got more than 4.5 miles in…

Apache talked the entire time…

TChaser encouraged me as I nursed a bum ankle this morning #OLD.

Trucker and Spitz thought it would be easier to ruck it, but they were wrong.

Birdcage, Apache, and Maximus all got stuck in the mud on the run down, they sank in a trench up past their knees…it was funny and gives Apache a reason to purchase more new shoes, he thinks he has Tatanka’s shoe budget…



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All Heart! – Himship Backblast

  • QIC: Drydock
  • When: 9/22/16
  • Pax: Joe Dirt on Q, Sea Turtle, Chef, Numbchuck, Drifter & Cutter
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

This week I have had the pleasure of Qing twice.  It was a pleasure both Monday at Guns & Moses and again today at Himship.  Himship has a lot of area to cover so We went to work.

The Thang:

  • Warm Up started with:
    • 20 Hill Billys IC
    • 20 Wind Mills IC
    • 20 Moroccan Night Clubs IC
    • 10 Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes in the plank position – (Thanks to Honey Pot for showing me this one.  I understand Italian Job is to blame for the pain these gave the men this morning.  I have found my new favorite exercise)
    • Held the plank position
      • Right leg off the ground 10 count
      • Left leg off the ground 10 count
    • Down on our bellys for some superman fun
    • Then a new one (or maybe not) called the Michael Phelps – one you belly all limbs 6″ off the ground and kick your feet and wave your arms like you are swimming.  Really makes the mumble chatter increase…..or that could have been grones I was hearing.
  • Round of Suicides
    • Karaoke to the left two parking stalls
      • 5 burpees
      • Karaoke right side back
    • High Knees 2 stalls
      • 5 ranger merkins
      • High knees back
    • Butt Kickers
      • 5 burpees
      • Butt Kickers back
    • 10 count to catch our breath
  • Mosie around the backside of Walmart all the way around to the service entrance on the other side.
    • to catch our breath I talked about mind control again.  I explained the experiment we did at Guns & Moses on Monday (check out the back blast for that).  A little testimony about me.  My grandfather was a WWII fighter pilot and was a tough guy.  But he was hard on my dad.  Now a lot of that reflected right through to my childhood and my dad was hard on me.  He was always pushing me.  One reason was because I have a brother that suffers from some mental disabilities (severe learning disabilities).  You would hardly notice it if you talked to him today.  Anyway, my dad was hard on me because I was capable where my brother was not.  But I now know why.  Being in the construction business, especially working with concrete, you have to remove your emotions and put your mind to the task.  Concrete when you are pouring it, is on a time limit.  You do not have time to make excuses as to why you can’t finish it before it hardens.  It is a win or loss situation.  Running your own business is the same.  You have to make your mind up that you will push yourself no matter how tired you are, no matter how bad you want to quit.  It takes heart and determination to do that.  One thing I mentioned about my brother is you would find it hard to see his disabilities now.  When he was young boy, my parents took him to a school in Charlotte that specialized in cases like him.  They told my parents that Chris was a lost cause and they should pull him from school.  They said he would never drive and basically he would never live a normal life.  Today my brother drives our lowboy hauling our heavy equipment around.  Today he is married and lives as normal of a life as he can.  This is all because my parents refused to allow him to be anything but his best.  That goes for me too.  Men we have heart for what we are doing in the gloom.  If we didn’t, we wouldn’t show up.  Because we have heart, we do not allow our minds to take control.
  • Now back to it with a little Escalators – but first the burpee (bud light) truck came by triggering 5 burpees beofre we started
    • corner 1 – 10 burpees
    • corner 2 – 20 squats
    • corner 3 – 30 merkins
    • corner 4 – air squared (over head claps)
    • What goes up must come back down – Repeat backward back to the start
  • 20 count to get a little rest
  • Lt Dans 100 Yards back toward the front of the store.
  • Mosie to the front wall of the store.
    • Wall sits
      • Arms out – 10 count
      • arms up – 10 count
      • One leg up, holding off the ground
      • other leg up
    • Bear crawl / wall sit line – 2 rounds
  • Mosie to the COT
    • Talked a little more about heart.  Last Saturday my 2.0 asked why the men were their.  The answers were all the same…to get better.  He then asked, what are you doing to get better spiritually?  I asked the men the same thing this morning.  Men, are you exercising your hearts?  We get up in the gloom to exercise but are we going home in the evening and opening the Word of God?  I am guilty of not doing all I need to do to grow spiritually.  F3 is awesome but do not allow that to be the only interaction we have with other Christians and don’t let the 3rd F be the only time you learn or hear about God. AYE???
  • Doc told me to tighten my core so lets do a little ab lab!
    • Hello Dollys
    • Rosalitta Whips
    • Hill Billy on your 6
    • Hands of time

Gentle Men it was a pleasure as always.  The men of York always put in 100%.  It is an honor to know you gents.


God Bless, Joe Dirt

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