- QIC: Pig Papi
- When: 09/27/16
- Pax: Italian Job, Burgundy, Mayflower Respect, Sgt York, PCH, HoneyPot, HotSpot, Mcenroe, Dingo, Dr. Ruth, Slow PItch, Red Ryder, Apache, Anchor Bar Respect, Jag Respect, Padeye, Chuckee Respect, Freon,
- Posted In: Uncategorized
It was an honor to lead 18 PAX this fine morning at #EaglesNest. This was my second Q ever and this was double the size of my VQ, I was a bit nervous to say the least but then I told myself Hey Big Papi this is Rock Hill they get what F3 is all about, they have your back you can do this.
Warm UP:
Windmill x15 IC
Moroccan Night Club X20 IC
Merkins X10 IC
Mosey to the Fountain, YHC had no idea where the fountain was located so the PAX directed and away we went.
Intervals (30sec tempo, 10sec recover) turbo leg ups right, turbo leg ups left, box jumps were on the schedule but the fountain ledge was to narrow and wet.
Mosey to the building we usually run laps around with the steps, once again YHC had no clue how to get to that location and I think Honey Pot led the way, but all of a sudden the PAX heard a loud splash and found Apache doing Bear Crawls inside the fountain, did not surprise me one bit it was possible he was all hopped on three 5 hour energys but not sure,
YHC explained next exercise would be “The Cooper” had PAX partner up with 2-4 in a group, “The Cooper” went like this:
1 lap
10 burpees
10 Squats
10 Merkins
run a lap then 9 , you get the picture, Time was running out so YHC called off the cooper at 5 of each .
Mosey to field where where the rocks are, once again another PAX had to lead the way this time it was Italian Job.
It was time for Dora 1 2 3 with coupons
Partner up and grab a rock, 100 merkins, 200 SSH’s & 300 LBC’s, the runner went up the hill – with his coupon and back and passed it off to his partner. Italian Job gave a time check and most of the PAX finished the round, I wanted to squeeze in 1 more little treat of single file run to the outside fire exit stairs for run up and down, but was told we did not have enough time,
Mosey back to COT
Praises and Prayers
Chuckee led us out with a great prayer
I am truly blessed to be part of F3 Nation and to lead all of you, each one of you is a true #HIM
Like I said before Rock HIll gets what F3 is all about.
Big Papi out!!!