Captain Therkin to the rescue


Mosey to front of movie theater
SSH, Imperial Walkers, Moroc NC, British NC, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps- nice shoulder burn after that series, Calf stretch, Runners Pose, down/up dog, merkins  


Main parking lot, at every light post alternate between 10 Squats, 5 Mike Tyson’s.  Go from one end and then back. Repeato but second round is 10 lunges, 5 big boys  

Head to back parking lot.  Running around perimeter we stop at the four corners plus two midpoints (6 rep stations).  First round 5 burpees at each station.  Second lap, 10 hand release merkins, then 10 wide arm merkins next station, 10 diamond merkins,   repeat the three to cover the six stations.

Another mosey around lots heading back to front of theater for a Captain Therkin web: 1 big boy, 4 amer hammers 2 merkins
2 bb, 8 hammers, 2 merkins  
Continue up to 10 bb, 40 hammers 2 merkins.    

Almost out of time, head back to COT ~2miles covered.  

Announcements- Emilio’s pizza for 2nd F in the fort tonight.  
Prayers- for Cutlet, Shamrock, Sugardaddy’s M., Goose’s grandfather.  Q takes us out.    

Great AO, lots of space to work with, good lighting. Always good to meet some new pax from The Fort. doing some good cross marketing to secure Q’s- three Waxhaw guys over 4 weeks! on Q next Thursday

TClap |

Beautiful Morning Beatdown

Rolling in late, had stepped up to start the beat down while I got out of the car. I gave a quick disclaimer and continued with a warm up of IW, SSH, LSS, runner’s stretch, merkins, MC.

Mosey around the campus. Every few hundred yards, circle up to hold a plank for the 6, then five merkins. Then continue. After about 5 minutes of moseying and merkins, an unnamed PAX asked whether there was a weinke for this workout to which I ~threatened~ answered, be careful what you wish for. We moseyed some more and after the second lap, we went to the railings at the back of the theater for supine rows x15 oyo. Mosey to more railings and more supine rows for a total of three sets & mosey back to COT to unload some kettlebells from my car

Partner up and each pair grab one of four kettlebells: 20LBs, 25LB, 35LB, 50LBs. With partner & bell slow mosey to the ~bottom of the hill~ adjacent parking lot. The bells are arranged from lightest to heaviest. Partner one does exercise with the kettlebell and partner two runs to the opposite side of lot, does and exercise and return, and switch. After each set, all pairs rotate up to the next bell, except the PAX who were on the 50LB, they get some relief by going to the start. We did this until all PAX got in reps with all the bells before starting a new round of exercises which were:
P1: KB swings, P2: 3 burpees
P1: one arm row, P2: 3 merkins
P1: thrusters, P2: 3 lunges 2is1
P1: Romanian DL, P2: 3 flutter 2is1

Riffle carry the bells back to COT, swapping with your partner or another PAX as needed.

It’s always an honor to lead in the Fort and always fun to challenge myself as I hope I challenged the PAX. Good work to everyone and let’s hope I didn’t scare away the FNG

TClap |

Goose’s B-Day

WARMUP: We started off with 49 SSH in honor of my birthday. We did a few more warm up exercises then got to it.

THE THANG: I decided to add 4 and 9 to give us 13 reps of each exercise. We mosed to the lower parking lot past the theater. We ran the length of the lot with 3 stops along the way to perform the following exercises then repeated it on the way back. I planned for 6 rounds but we only had time for 4.
Round 1 – Burpees
Round 2 – Low Slow Squats
Round 3 – Lunges
Round 4 – Bomb Jacks

Moseyed back to the flag.

MARY: Ring of Merkins, staying in a plank position we each took turns doing Merkins until we got to 50.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: H.I.M Camp, CSUPS, read the Newsletter.
COT: Prayers for kids, parents and teachers over the summer. @cutlet foot surgery @Tron and his son Josiah. And praises from for another year and turning 49. Thankful for F3 and the blessing it has been for me.

As always it was an honor!!!

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