Blast from the Past

WARMUP: We welcomed two pax from years past and far off locales, Chino Grande and Uncle Sam! Then we got after it.
THE THANG: Based on a late night call from the bullpen by Cake Boss, the plan all along was to include the pax. We did some warmup moseying, then found our way to the far West side of the school and proceeded to follow a pearls-on-a-string path driven by each pax in Fartlek style. Each pax picked a destination, a form of transit and an exercise for the group once we reached the destination. Then he passed the baton to another pax. In each case, the pax shared how long he’s been posting and a bit about what brought him out to F3 and kept him posting. All learned, and all sweated. A good morning with welcome friends! Thanks for the Q stick CB!
COT: Yes! it’s one of the 5 core principles!

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