
When Olaf asked YHC to queue at Quagmire he, not surprisingly, had a little something different in mind.  In advance of the upcoming GrowRuck he asked me to make the workout ruck friendly and also to discuss Qsource Q1.10 (Prayer)

A quick disclosure was given, we acknowledged our FNG, Bones picked up his sandbag, and we were off.  During the ruck to a nearby parking lot we discussed the first Socratic: Does Faith Play a Role in Leadership?  Great discussion ensued and the consensus was that yes, it does because without faith, man sees himself as the king of his world and can’t serve others.  All actions will be focused on the improvement of himself and he will be unable and unwilling to lead others.

At the parking lot we dropped our rucks and ran to the other side to start some “back and forths”.  Five burpees at the start line then run back to your ruck.  Grab your ruck and walk back to the start with ruck overhead.  Rinse and repeat 5 times.

Now that we were warmed up, we rucked over to the front of Target for some Red Balls of Pain.  On the way we discussed the second Socratic: If Faith plays a role in Leadership, how do we get here?  Answers from the group centered around study, discussion and prayer with your creator.

At the Target we combined discussion with exercises.  At each red ball we did 20 ruck squats and 10 ruck curls.   Transportation between the red balls alternated between lunge walks and overhead ruck carries.  Discussion centered on the “What What”.  What will happen when I die?  and What does that mean about the way I should live?  The “What What” can’t be answered by yourself.  It is only through talking to your creator through prayer that you build faith and find the answers.

With enough time left we headed back to first parking lot for some more “back and forths”.  (Can’t have enough of a good thing)  On the way we discussed the third and final Socratic:  Are fear and worry bad things?  Discussion centered around them being both.  Good, in the sense that they help you avoid dangers and enable you to teach others to do the same.  Bad, in the sense that too much fear and worry can be paralyzing and you can’t accelerate without it.  Prayer is an essential element to overcoming fear and anxiety.  It unburdens you and builds your faith in knowing that there is something out there bigger than yourself that has your best interests at heart.

After an unknown amount of “back and forths” we headed back to COT while reinforcing the lessons learned.  YHC asked the Pax to, at some point during the day, to give some additional thought to their own “What What” and to continue their dialogue with their creator.

At COT we welcomed “Ski Patrol” (Cory) to F3, announcements, prayers and praises.

Olaf, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Half Shell

Qsource April 23

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