“If a HIM VQ’s at The Deep and no PAX post, are his exercises in cadence or OYO?” 

  • QIC: Da Vinci
  • When: 07/30/16
  • Pax: Mainframe, Tater
  • Posted In: The Deep

Fortunately, I didn’t have to find the answer to this existential question. Two familiar vehicles weaved their way into the parking lot at 0625.

I had been nervous all week, thinking about my VQ, and arrived at the AO about 45 minutes early to walk through the workout to be sure it would work. I had thought of a series of exercises that could work using agility ladders. At the Deep, there’s one stenciled onto the pavement, so I chalked in another a few paces away.

The Thang:

Mosey around to parking lot at the far side of the school. Since you can’t really make a circle with 3 PAX, we “triangled” up.

Warm up (all in cadence):
SSH x20
Imperial Walkers x15
Windmills x10
Low Slow Squats x10
Spidermans (Spidermen?) x10
LBCs x20
Mountain Climbers x10
American Hammers x10

Mosey around to track along side of school for the

“Ladders of Success”

Start in “end zone.” One at a time, each PAX runs to the close end of ladder #1, and performs the prescribed exercise along the LEFT side. Next PAX begins after previous PAX makes it 1/3 to 1/2 way down ladder.

After reaching midfield, perform exercises based on odd or even number:
1, 3, 5: 20 Low Slow Squats; 2, 4, 6: 20 Reverse Lunges OYO. Then, enter the RIGHT side of ladder #2 and perform exercise along RIGHT side of ladder so one moves the opposite direction from previous.

After reaching the end zone, perform exercises based on odd or even number:
1, 3, 5: 20 Freddie Mercurys; 2, 4 ,6: LBCs OYO. Perform same exercise going back toward other end zone with same midfield exercises.

1. “Square Bears” (single square, in-line bear crawl)
2. “Carolina Dry Hops” (CDD position, in-line, double-hand jumps)
3. “Plank Walkers” (move laterally in plank position)
4. “Mountain Merkins” (4 single-count mtn climbers, one merkin, move, repeat)
5. “Crabicides” (lateral crab walk, perpendicular to ladder)
6. “High 5s Low 5s” (like Plank Walkers, but in-box, out-box alternates
7. “Octo Burpees” (8-count burpees: drop, plank, plank-jack, push up, jump up)

Since we had just 3 PAX, the workout ran a few minutes short. I exercised the nuclear option and tossed to Tater who led us through a series of 11’s up and down a nearby hill. (Thank you, Tater!)

One merkin, up the hill for 11 Bombjacks,
Back down hill.
Two merkins, up the hill for 10 Bombjacks.
(Notice a pattern here?)

Mosey back to COT for prayer led by Tater

Gave thanks for good healthcare and insurance and path forward for his M.
Prayed for guidance to parents of young children.
Prayed for God’s hand to guide us in these uncertain times.

Thank you, Mainframe and Tater for the support. I hope to learn from this experience and grow to become a better Q.


TClap |

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