It started innocently

  • QIC: Mainframe
  • When: 10/21/2016
  • Pax: Cobra Kai (ruck), Cornhule (ruck), Trucker (ruck), Gecko (run), Gears (run), Boeheim (run), Crash, Puddles, Bart, Kenyan, Nasa, Smuggler, DaVinci, Vinnie
  • Posted In: The Swamp

The Swamp always has a mix of anything you want: ruck, run, or boot camp. It was another perfect morning as the PAX began gathering. Vinnie rolls in at 5:14:55 so it’s time to start. The ruckers started tightening straps and boot campers moseyed off. Apparently the runners started early since most of us didn’t realize they were around.

Mosey to behind Just Fresh for COP. Normal stuff, nothing creative.
Mosey to red balls in front of Target. I had one item left over from the Ranch yesterday so modified it some.
10 Burpees -> 20 Lunges -> 30 Mtn Climbers -> 40 Squats -> 50 SSHs -> 40 Squats -> 30 Mtn Climbers -> 20 Lunges -> 10 Burpees, running 2 balls in between each exercise.

Mosey over to patch of grass in front of Gander.
Knowing how Puddles has a weird love of Jack Webbs we do that. 1:4 up to 10:40.
Shake shoulders out while lining up for suicides. 12 segment suicide run.
Back to the patch of grass. I decided to borrow the junk yard dog from Chicken-wing. JYD is where one person army crawls under one person and then jumps over next person alternating all the way around the circle. Then when its the next PAX turn the guys planking switch. Ups go to 6 inch holds and 6 inch holds go up. So with directions semi-clear and with the best intentions we start. Again, I think Dark Helmet normally calls the Ace and Gary items. You know, the use my body as your weight but don’t look me in the eyes items. This is where it starts to go to the side. Crash and Puddles don’t seem to follow directions about crawling under the other guy. They seem to be doing some type of cat tail rubbing routine. We make it through the first round and several PAX call for a second. Always one to please the group we start round 2. I look up when Puddles is making his way past Crash and suddenly he’s on his back looking like a sweaty chap-less bull rider. After he gets bucked off we quickly finish the rest of the exercise. It’s probably safe to say that exercise will not be allowed back at the Swamp. At least not with certain PAX in attendance.

Not too much time left but we start Captain Thors. 1 big boy situp to 4 American hammers. We start with 5:20 and try to make it up to 10:40. Times up, mosey back to COT. Back at COT the runners I didn’t know were there show up.

> We get that image of Puddles out of our heads.
> But in all seriousness, prayers for all those affected by Hurricane Matthew as well as safety for those travelling down to provide aid.

Logging off,

TClap |

One thought on “It started innocently

  1. NASA says:

    I had the image out of my head, then I read this BB and my therapy went backwards. Some things you wish you could unsee but cannot.

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