There is a wall up there?

Being my VQ I was humbled by the number of people that showed up to see what CSUP I had planned.  At 5:15 I gave my best attempt at the disclaimer and then we took off for a little mosey.

20 SSH

10 windmill

20 Hillbilly walkers

10 Merkins


Next while standing in the parking lot across from the military memorial with the flags I proceeded to tell the Pax we would be jumping the wall and running up to the next wall (which no one could see due to the gloom and lights).

ladder of 5 donkey kicks at the top down to 1

ladder of 1 burpee up to 5

ladder of 6 inches 10 count and Heels to the sky 10 count

Moved over to the hill where we

Ran backwards, bear crawl, Right side shuffle, Left side shuffle with 10 merkins at the top each time.

Next and might be one of my favorites was Pink Floyd (balls to the wall 30 sec and people’s chair 30 seconds) repeat 3 times.

Once we finished this we went for a long mosey to pick up or stuff paxs dropped at the top of the hill and went back to COT.  I had more planned, but the time ran out and I am glad it did because the last part was not going to be fun.

Next I tried to perform my best interpretation of the message CSAPN provided on Monday.  The jest is when you are interacting with wife, kids, family, friends or others Ask Questions, Listen and Recall what they said so that you can retain the information which will let them understand you do care.

Prayer Request – Fire fighters and those affected by the fires in NC Mountains, people traveling for Thanskgiving, Java to be blessed with the word when he speaks at the main campus for the first time.

TClap |

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