Pantheon – Boot Camp (Do the harder thing)

Fish Sticks asked me to Q this one and I was pumped as this was one of my first AO’s I ever visited.  I didn’t have a long time to ponder on this one, so I knew like my RUCK workouts I wanted to make it a little “heavy”.  So I pulled up early and hid my sandbags, ammo cans, and Ruck for a fun filled workout.

I keep deciding that I must “do the harder thing” in my life.  It’s easy to slack at work, its easy to let the TV raise my children, its easy to fartsack, but I must do the harder thing.  That was the theme of this workout, and the 8 PAX fully embraced it.

The W/O

A normal mosey at Pantheon is a lap around the lot, well we chose the harder thing and lapped around the entire lot and building, stoping with some merkins to throw in there.

Circle UP

Side straddle hops

 Cherry Pickers (even though Cable Guy informed me cherries do not grow on the ground so we should use the strawberry picker term)

Moroccan Night Clubs


Merkins – Hold Plank – Merkins – Hold Plank – Mountain Climber (That was for sure the “harder thing”)

Here we go:

So I lined up 8 different stations that we would rotate through.  One of the stations involved running, when the runner returned is when we would rotate.

Station 1 – 60lb Sandbag Toss (Lil E threw it like he was tossing someone an apple, killed it!!!)

Station 2 – Overhead Press – 30 Pound Ammo Can

Station 3 – Burpees

Station 4 – RUCK Swings – 45# plate

Station 5 – Box Cutters

Station 6 – Low Slow Squats

 Station 7 – Bomb Jacks

Station 8 – 40lb Sandbag run (trust me running is way harder with a bag)

I was super impressed with the PAX.  I had a “shorter” distance picked out for the first go around with the run, and after the first rotation through I asked lets make this longer and everyone jumped out and chose the harder thing and we looped the parking lot sprinting with a 40lb bag.

We went through this rotation twice, then I brought the PAX back to the main parking lot.  Typically in suicides we do it at the basketball court and have the prescribed lines, well the harder thing would be to do it across the long a$$ parking lot with dropping and doing 15 merkins at each stop.  Props again to cable guy for the most proper merkin I’ve seen in a while.  All PAX pushed themselves hard.

10 count then a chose the harder thing mosey back to our stations (we took the long indirect route).  Then ever PAX chose the harder thing and sprinted out the end of the mosey, even though our lungs were burning.

Back through for one last rotation on our stations, where everyone gave it all they had.

We then chose the harder thing again and made a long loop back to COT and held a on your six plank until we saw 6 hit a watch.

It was awesome and a pleasure to Q with these guys.  Everyone out there gave it there all and made me look slow on these sandbag carries!



Read  your News Letter


Expecting Mothers – PAX with sick family

Throughout the workout we talked a little bit about control.  I mentioned that we have to understand what we have control over and what we don’t.  We all have control over our mindset during this workout, and the ability to push as hard as needed.  We have the ability to show control and patience, as I mentioned my 3yo yelling at my 1yo and all I wanted to do was raise my voice in frustration and anger but a true leader shows control and mimics the desired results.  We also acknowledged how we have to relinquish control and follow the path for our life.

Half shell said something I’m going to leave you with that I will be pondering over for a long time to come, he said he was once told “calm is contagious” and that really stuck with me.

So with that I bid you farewell, and #calmiscontagious

TClap |

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