Honoring the 4,413

Pax: Router, Uber, Slapshot, Crab Cakes, Tsunami, DaVinci, Wrangler, Change Order, Duck Dynasty, Lutefisk, Falcon Crest, Tardy, Half Shell

13 HIMs partook in what the pax didn’t know was a workout to honor the Allied soldiers who were killed on D-Day 75 years ago this coming June 6th.  With lots to accomplish in 45 minutes, a brief disclaimer was given and YHC promised the pax that they would leave knowing “one important thing” by the end of COT.  With that, we moseyed toward Grant Farm Drive for some hill work.  On the way we made a quick stop in the parking lot for 15 mountain climbers and 10 burpees.  We continued on to the base of the hill for what would be five sets of up and backs to the fire station.  Exercise totals at the top and bottom of the hill were a bit unusual but consisted of:

  • Round 1 (Utah) – 44 merkins (top) & 13 double-count flutters (bottom)
  • Round 2 (Gold) – 44 monkey humpers (top) & 13 big boy sit-ups (bottom)

The pax then took a brief break from the hills and half completed 10 burpees while the other half held Al Gore’s until burpees were completed.  When the burpees were finished the pax switched exercises.  (Running burpee count = 20 each)  Then, back to the fire station hill runs:

  • Round 3 (Juno) – 44 bombjacks (top) & 13 diamond merkins (bottom)
  • Round 4 (Sword) – 44 squats (top) & 13 low country crabs (bottom)
  • Round 5 (Omaha) – Crawlbear up to the fire station (really not fun and quite possibly a bad idea) with 44 SSHs followed by 13 8-count body destroyers at the bottom

With the D-Day beach landing runs completed we headed to the apartment complex entrance.  Along the entrance and the road there are 24 arborvitae trees.  After assuring the pax that identifying arborvitaes was not the “one-thing” we lunge-walked and at every other arborvitae we completed 2 burpees + 1 additional at the end.  25 burpees completed each.  (Running burpee count = 45). Rinse and repeat coming back to the entrance of the apartment complex.  25 burpees completed each.  (Running burpee count = 70)

Jog back to COT.  At COT, mid-plank we talked about why we did sets of 44/13.  The “one thing” for the pax to walk away from the workout with was that 4,413 allied heroes made the ultimate sacrifice on December 6th 1944.  (75 years ago)  These soldiers represented ~8% of the total killed in action during the battle of Normandy.  To show final respects, we completed the remaining 5 burpees to get us to 75 for the workout.   Name-o-rama ensued with announcements, prayers (M’s, teachers the 4.413) and praises.

Great job by everyone today.  Thanks to Lutefisk for allowing me to be the QIC.

TClap |

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