Pumping iron after Yeti

YHC was called of the bench to help Q the Armory within a 24 hour notice. Always a pleasure to dish out the pain with iron!  9 PAX posted after the yeti, TClaps to Fishsticks for posting after completing the Yeti

COP with a few of this and a few of that, then mossy over to the middle parking lot area for the pain.

20 reps of the following then run to the end of the parking lot and back

Squats, Overhead Press, Upright Row, KB Swings, Bentover Row, Curls, Skull Crushers, Chest Press

We got 3 rounds in, then did one more round of 10 reps.

20 reps of the following – 2xs, then run

LBC, Flutters, American Hammers, Big Boys

Mossy to COT

Thanks for the opportunity!


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