Millllllllshake Returns! The Thrill Returns! Why does it feel like March?

So you gotta love weird things that happen in the middle of a pandemic, today I had scheduled myself as Q for Milkshake, months ago.  Had no idea it would be the actual return of Milkshake after almost two months off.  I’ve missed it, don’t know about you guys.

We made our way from our temporary AO and headed down next to LPL stopping along the way for some exercises now and then.

We made observations about strange traffic lights and how tight on security certain companies are.  You know, the usual.

After we made our way back, we did some stretching and talked trash about the regular Fort Pax and their stretching form.  You know, the usual.

It was good to be with you guys again in person, and have some fellowship as we burned a few calories.

Good to have Boogie Down back after being on IR and congrats to proud poppa Wegmans!

Until next time… the Thrill is gone!

TClap |

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