Last min Charge at Chupercabra

YHC was feeling saucy so I took up the challenge to Q the ruck workout only because it was going to be Lutefisks virgin ruck experience. I usually can’t post to Rivergate on Fridays because I have a journey meeting that starts at 6 bells over in Baxter. So to make sure the PAX get their money’s worth I showed up to preruck at 445 to make sure all of the cones were ready to go. MileHigh joined me around 500 for a quick lap around the parking lot to get introduced to the feats of strength written on each cone.
We got almost an entire full lap before swinging back by StartEx to grab the rest of the cronies for the official party.
Disclaimer was disclaimed as we were rucking to the first cone.
Idea is to keep everyone together while still pushing each man to his limit. A modified Paula Abdoole was described and the exercises were as follow:
Shoulder taps,
Hand release Merkins,
8 count body bag builders,
Ruck getups,
Ruck curls,
Scooby Doos-AKA ruck rows,
Squat thrusters,
Ruck swings,
Man makers,

The Guys did a really good job of performing the exercises and hustling to the next stop which is two cones up before coming back to the cone that was skipped. Keep pushing the pax and doing the work.
Great to see everyone’s smiling faces this morning. DaVinci thanks for the opportunity to lead. Hate I had to bounce before COT but I needed to be at The Journey before 6 more than I needed those last few reps.

Stay frosty my friends.

TClap |

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