Naked….and Afraid VQ warmup! Then up and down and sit in a circle…easy stuff

Oh my special backblast, how I’ve missed you.  You are now my motivation for at least the next 2 months to write you after workouts (and I will not commit to the scrutiny of “within 24 hours” some of these monster writers make happen).  Need to build some habits here so next 2 months I know I’m on some calendars to Q so lookout (and hold me accountable anyone who may be reading this).

This morning started out with a Naked and Afraid warmup (which now duet o waiting too long to write anything up), the details are a bit fuzzy.  See kids, this is what happens when you wait TOO long.  I do recall some SSH, merkins, squats, and some windmills…I think.  AAR was given (3 things he did well, 3 things to work on next time).  AAR = After Action Review

For the first time doing a warm-up, I think this boy has something.  You know what else Naked and Afraid did – he asked some questions about what a full Q would look like, what to prepare for, how to prepare for it, how to make sure it’s long enough.  And you know what, we had answers for him so he could be more successful next time.  I little quote from QSource:

The LDP (Leadership Development Process) has four steps: schooling, apprenticeship, opportunity and failure.

These 4 steps were exercised today.

Next up was YHC for the main KB event.  Here’s what we did, and we didn’t take breaks.

  • Shoulder Press
  • Swings
  • Shoulder Shrugs
  • Triceps extensions
  • Curls
  • Chest Press
  • Lawn Mower
  • Good mornings
  • Squat
  • Lunge pass through
  • Calf raise
  • Flutters
  • Circle of fun (more on this)

For the shoulder press down to Lunges, we started with 10 reps and then increased by 5 up to 20, and for Calf raise and flutters we started with 10 and increased by 10s up to 30.  We did the full circuit at 10s, did the “circle of fun”, then went to 15 (or 20s), and so on.  After we got to 20 (or 30s), we came back down for round 4.

Circle of fun = we sat in a circle with our feet in the middle and passed each of our bells around clockwise until your bell returned to you, then we went counterclockwise until your bell returned.  And for the record, there are some monster bells of 45lbs and up in this group – ouch!

Wrapped up with COT (prayers and praises which again, sadly I don’t remember…fail again).

Thanks for the opportunity Shatner and keep getting after it Naked and Afraid!!


TClap |

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