
Here is what fun was served at Bushwood….

COP included 9 reps of windmills, 13 reps of  low slow squats, 13 reps of imperial walkers, and 13 SSHs. then mossy down backside hill behind the football field. At the bottom, 5 merkins. NUR up hill and at each light pole, 5 squats. Run back to bottom of hill, 5 merkins. Mossy to benchs and 10 step ups per leg. Mossy to pull-up bars, 2 PAX at a time; each must get to a total of 20 pull-ups. If you have to stop, you do burpees as your rest until you hit 20 pull-ups. Mossy to tennis courts for a round of suicides. Repeat this in backwords….A round of suicides at the tennis court, mossy to pull-up bars but the goal is only 10 reps (was looking at clock), mossy to benches for 15 step ups, mossy to bottom of hill for 2 rounds of incline and decline push ups, and then NUR up with 5 squats at each light pole. Unfortunately we still had time left so ran back to the bottom of the hill and run up the hill stopping at the intersection for 5 merkins and 5 LBCs, finish the run up the hill.

TClap |

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