VQ at VA for SPowers

WARMUP: 1 min plankitude followed by ruck through the woods to destination pull-up and dip station. Carrying Mic the whole time through the woods.
4 stations
1st person does pull-ups until failure then switch over to dips.
2nd PAX does squats with ruck on.
3rd PAX pounds Mic into the ground like a sledge hammer alternating hands each time.
4th pax does mountain climbers with ruck.
1 min timer signals when to rotate.
2 rounds were performed.
Then rucked up and finished the loop back around to the school. Handed over Q to @SPowers who had us doing laps around the EarthFare lot with ruck exercises at each stop sign. Lunges, shoulder presses, curls, merkins, squats. Before it was over he was calling cadence like a natural. Great VQ after only a month of posting. Look forward to many more.
MARY: men only
COT: prayers for marriage and family

TClap |

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