
WARMUP: There was a legit pre-run at 4:45, for which @beaker and I took part – great fellowship run. The actual warm-up consisted of @Sugarbug articulating either his displeasure about actually seeing the same coupons from last weeks Tomahawk or that he showed up anyway!

THE THANG: I typically don’t use the same weinke in back-to-back Qs, but the mumblechatter was strong last week, therefore the extra coupons at a KB AO reared their ugly head again!

Upon picking up some extra weight, the PAX moseyed to the bottoms of the first hill on the trail existing WEP behind the parking lot.

At the bottom of the hill, the PAX completed 10 reps of each exercise with their bell…swings, 1-arm press (each arm), overhead triceps extension, single arm curls (each arm), upright rows, lawnmower pulls (each arm), merkins w/ 1 hand on bell and switching in the middle of the rep count, alternating lunges w/ a pass through, goblet squats, calf raises. Then pick up all of the weight KBs and Coupons and run to the top of the hill for 1 burpee. Rinse and repeat decreasingly the rep count by 1 and the bottom and increasing the butler count by 1 at the top. The PAX complete 5 rounds before returning to COT for Mary

MARY: Completed 2-3 sets of Mary called out by each of the Pax
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read you newsletter
COT: what is discussed in COT stays in COT – show to know!!

TClap |

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