Omaha @ Tallawah

WARMUP: There was a significant emergency response at the WEP parking lot so we moved our kettle bells over to an adjacent parking lot. We moseyed over to the new playground which as we learned, due to the lack of pull up bars, is not as good as the old playground. We made due by doing some warm up exercises and made our way back to the bells. Now, due to a woman now working out solo by our kettle bells, we moved again to the long Springs parking lot.
THE THANG: Murder Bunnies 1/2 way down the parking lot (~25yds)
10 Clean & Jerk (ea arm), run to the light, 10 Burpees, run back.
20 Tricep Extensions, run to the Pike Electric parking lot, 20 Merkins, run back.
30 Upright Rows, run to the Massey St intersection, 30 American Hammers, run back.
40 Curls, run to the Main St intersection, 40 Flutter Kicks, run back.
Overhead Carry your kettle bell back to COT.
MARY: See above.
COT: Yes

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