Cheating on Alcatraz

YHC made a temporary escape from Alcatraz to Q The Yard.

– Quick mosey to front parking lot followed by COP…windmill, produce picker, low slow squat, merkin, up dog and down dog.
– Started with a series of gauntlets. PAX formed a line arms length apart and held plank. Each PAX took turns traveling the gauntlet, stopping to do a merkin at each planking PAX. Rinsed and repeated 3 times with the following variations…swapped out Al Gore for the plank and burpees for the merkins…plank / shoulder taps and Al Gore / lunge.
– Mosey thru the parking lot to the drive behind the elementary school. Completed a round of 7s using the straight section of the drive. Hand release merkins and big boy sit-ups.
– Mosey to the “track” for a DORA…300 sumo squats, 200 Superman, 100 wide arm merkin.

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