Throwing Bags Around

WARMUP: Walked our sandbags from COT to the starting point at one end of the parking lot at the front of the school. Moseyed around the parking lot back to the starting point without bags. PAX then stood in front of their bags for the following: 10xSSHinCadence, 1 ManMaker, 10xCPinCadence, 2 ManMakers, 10xHWinCadence, 3 ManMakers, 10xLSSinCadence, 4 ManMakers, 10xMNCinCadence, 5 ManMakers. We were warm.

THE THANG: We would have been on the field in front of the school, but it was being watered when I arrived. So, designated a starting line, then set-up 4 cones about 15 yards apart in the parking lot.

All partner work

1st Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the last cone Partner#1 starts the trip with LT Dans while Partner#2 racks the bag and jogs to the last cone and then back to meet his partner. When the band is back together each PAX completes 5 ManMakers. Switch and continue the journey until you reach the last cone.

2nd Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the next cone Partner#1 Front Press throws his bag while Partner#2 walks along side him Rifle Carrying their bag. When the team reaches the cone each PAX performs 25 BentOverRows & 20 Curls. Then switch and head to the next cone. Continue in this manner until your team reaches the last cone.

3rd Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the next cone Partner#1 Backwards Overhead throws his bag while Partner#2 walks along side him Rifle Carrying their bag. When the team reaches the cone each PAX performs 25 Chest Presses with bag while fluttering & 20 Alt. Plyo Merkins. Then switch and head to the next cone. Continue in this manner until your team reaches the last cone.

4th Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the last cone Partner#1 starts the trip with 2 Rotating Side Throws ( 1 from each side ) while Partner#2 completes 2 Burpees. Partner#2 jogs to the bag and then performs his 2 throws while Partner#1 completes 2 Burpees. Keep switching until you reach the last cone.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel serve on July 4th, Convergence on July 4th, CSAUP Summer Trifecta
COT: Everyone shared a praise and a prayer. Show to Know!

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