Tour de Stockade

9 gathered for a tour of de stockcade.

mosey to Grassy Knoll behind the dog boarder (good choice? Not sure.)

10 IW, 10 MC, 11 Peter Parker’s and 12 Parker Peter’s.  Plank series between each.
mosey to round about and crab walk around it.
Mosey to fountain and bear crawl around it.

Mosey to fire station and lunge length of parking spaces and back.
mosey  to Sonic  for Dora: 50 Burpees, 100 merkins, 200 lunge/squats and 300 LBC/hello dolly.

Mosey to preschool and 10 burpees.  Shortcut through bushes to Grace Presbyterian:  15 Freddy Merciries.

mosey back to shovel flag: 20 dips, 20 calf raises and end with Mary.

thanks for the lead!

TClap |

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