Back at it #MakeSkateGreatAgain

If being truly honest, this was my 1st BC Q in quite some time (definitely over 6 months and probably closer to a year or more) and the nerves of would I remember what to do or the exercise names was real this morning…

Which reminds me of my favorite quotes:

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action” ~Walter Anderson

No matter what you are anxious about, take a step… then a second… and then the next… and so on… before long you’ll turn around and see just how far you’ve come…

Funny, once we got started it was like riding a bike and all of the anxiety went away…

WARMUP: a few minutes of Broga to stretch it out a bit followed by some dynamic warmups

THE THANG: mosey to behind the JROTC building to pick up a Cindy. 5 rounds (10 reps down to 6 reps) completing each of the exercises before slow mosey to bottom of hill followed by accelerating run back to top.

Exercises w/ Cindy:
– Swings
– Overhead press
– Overhead Tricep extension
– Curls
– Upright row
– Bent over row
– Merkins
– Lunges
– Squats
– Calf raises

MARY: Shield had to bounce, so HC and I finished up our last set, returned the Cindy’s, and finished up at COT with some Mary…


COT: ya gotta show to know!

TClap |

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