Dont Try This Alone

Decent weather brought out 6 Pax for an 0630 start. 2 more came in at 0632 after picking deer carcus out of Senator Tressel’s grill…but that’s another story.

WARMUP: Mosey around the park towards our destination, with some stops and work along the way. Destination was the vert ramp on the backside of the ball park. Two steep inclines opposite of each other was where we would spend the next 55ish minutes.
THE THANG: Partner up. Start at bottom of hills and each partner runs opposite way to top and back where you meet for exercises. Rules of engagement were you must run and rep together. Meaning if you run back to the bottom and your partner isn’t there yet you keep running to bring him in. When one partner had all the reps they could take (or you were done with the exercise) then you take off running. No rest/cheerleading here. Exercises were as follows:
– 50 Burpees
– 100 Donkey Kicks
– 150 Squats
– 200 LBC
– 250 Shoulder Press

Pax got done quicker than expected so we got some extra credit in the form of NURing up each hill twice and going through the exercises again, albeit smaller rep count. Same rules applied – we nur and we do the reps together.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Important stuff
COT: Priceless

NMM: Was great to be out leading this morning after a week or so of laziness and not posting. Pax were encouraged to lean into the 2ndF of this great thing called F3. Rather that be shieldlock, whetstone, coffeteria, taco Tuesday or any other form formal or informal. As men we tend to be loaners or surface level with other men. You are missing a HUGE benefit of F3 if you’re not accelerating 2ndF.

Was truly an honor. Divac out.

TClap |

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