Ladder of Pain to escape Alcatraz?

After a thorough professional disclaimer of an unprofessional Q, YHC unleashed the “Ladder of Pain”

Quick mosey around the baseball field then back to the parking lot.

The Thang:
Parking lot was where we stayed the whole time while discussing summers in Germany and India, and what people wear for swim suits.

1 Burpee
3 Big Boy Situps
6 Shoulder Taps
10 Flutters
15 Merkins
21 Freddie Mercury
28 CDD
36 LBCs
45 Overhead Claps
55 Squats
66 Baby Arm Circles
78 Monkey Humpers
91 Moroccan Nightclubs
105 Calf Raises
120 Overhead Presses

The routine went somewhat like,
First exercise, mosey to baseball court and back
First two exercises, mosey to baseball court and back
First three exercises…
Rinse and Repeat.

In one hour we reached as high as Moroccan Nightclubs.


Thank you for the opportunity <@UN3JKG18C>. And great work <@U012K8DDK7V> and <@U0955D42X>

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