Dump Truck Mayhem

Bringing the Kitchen Sink theme Eastward to The Premier CRHS AO, Bushwood. Coupons were everywhere—and I do mean everywhere! The frequent 5:45am dump truck visit was right on time at the middle school bball courts across Spitz’s namesake driveway, White Rd. The pax did a nice job, as instructed, creating a Cindy barrier to test our dear friend, The Dump Truck Driver’s, wit. Barricade be damned…our friend made meat mince of the ill-formed concrete blocks. As he accelerated towards our barricade, the pax stared in amazement in disbelief that our obstacle would do no good, and no good it did. Slash’s donated Cindy (one of six we’ll call Charlie) came as one unit. Charlie left as a pile of ruble with a splitting headache I’m sure. Poor fella took the full brunt of an accelerating 5 ton dumper determined not to be delayed in route. Charlie’s funeral at COT was a somber occasion, but we made the best of it as YHC turned the theme into Disruption and Perseverance. Unfortunately Charlie’s perseverance was for not—Slash, liking only the beautiful and pristine, declined Charlie a home for his return.

TClap |

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