VQ – The Ranch

WARMUP: Mosey to turf area behind elementary school for SSH, windmills, moroccan nightclubs, imperial and hillbilly walkers and then mosey back to soccer field.
THE THANG: 7 of diamonds – 4 stations, 4 laps, same exercise at each station for each lap… 7 merkins at each station then 14 flutter kicks then 21 lunges then 28 squats. Mosey to parking lot, hold plank while each person bear crawls out to curb and back. Mosey to picnic tables for inclined merkins, dips, and step ups. Lunges back to parking lot and then mosey to picnic tables for rinse and repeat on inclined merkins, dips, and step ups. Mosey back to parking lot for ab exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read newsletter, upcoming men’s shelter and blood drive.
COT: Shared prayers and praises and ended with a prayer.

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