Never Give Up!

Q over slept and Site Q still did the hard things
THE THANG: 2 Ruckers did the hard things independently. Never give up, if you fail, own it and still show up. Always moving forward. One did trails the other did lap work.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newspaper
COT: Stays in COT

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Ruck & Sandbag Fun

All veterans so simple disclaimer, light warmup then we performed the following with rucks and sandbags:
10 Merkins, alternating one hand on sandbag
Bear crawl dragging sandbag to other side of field
10 Merkins w/sandbag pull thrus (aka Ashley Cummins)
Sandbag front toss to other side of field
10 Sandbag over the shoulders
OH carry sandbag to other side of field
10 Lunges w/sandbag rotates (start one side of lunged leg and rotate to other side)
Farmer carry ruck and sandbag over and back
Rack the sandbag on top of ruck (normal carry) and take long lap
15 Sandbag curls
Lunge across field with ruck and sandbag on back
15 Sandbag overhead presses
Front rack the sandbag across the field
10 Sandbag cling and presses
Sandbag front toss across field
15 Bent over sandbag rows
Suitcase carry ruck and carry sandbag like baby over and back
Rack the sandbag and take another long lap
5 quick man-makers then back to COT for a few mins of mary.
One or two of those movements should not be repeated but great way to start the day!

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Crushing it with the Ruck Sacks

The thang:

Mosey around school and circle up:  10 SSH, 15 IW, 9 WM and 13 HW

Alternating Overhead Carry and Farmers Carry.  While others do this to stop sign the partner (s) do:  Chest Press, Squats, Curls, Swings and Alternating leg lifts with press.

Mosey around build for 20 Ashley Cummings.

Then to short loop for a little catch me if you can with Burpees as the buy in.

From there we head to the ampitheatre:  Bear Crawl with 5 squats at each cement pad, Crab walk with 10 alternating lunges at each pad and backwards walk with 10 calf raises at each level.

Ruck to the field for 50 yard bear crawl with pull through.

Ruck to COT and finish with X-Os, Old School leg lifts and Freddy Mercury.

Blessed to have an hour to hang out with two of the finest men in F3.  If you haven’t given Currahee a try you definitely need to.

Prayers for sisters, kids and M’s

Peace Out

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making men simple

Humid morning

WARMUP: ruck to stoplight and do in cadence warmup things
Ruck toward walmart with 5 minute timer repeating…
5 manmakers, 10 ruck curls, 15 squats

Got over 2 miles and about 11 rounds

MARY: core work in cadence


COT: yup

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Workout for Two

Heavy lifting sandbag and ruck workouts are not well attended after the Memorial Day Murph. Only two, but we got after it. Simple workout, each had a sandbag and ruck, stops at each lightpole for an exercise. Transportation between each pole varied.
Man Makers – 50
Calf Raises – 75
Bag Toss – 50
Merkins – 50
Deep Squats – 50
Mountain Climbers – 50
Carolina Dry Docks – 50
America Hammers – 50
Curls– 50
Jump Squats – 50
Mountain Climbers – 50
Shoulder Shrugs – 100
Lunges – 50
Hello Dollies – 100
Bent over rows – 50
Shoulder Press – 50
Flutters– 50
Man Makers – 50

Two laps around the car loop.

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Ruck & Block Grind: The Ultimate Shoulder Challenge!

Showed up with only Falcon Crest there, and the PAX started to trickle in.

A few exercises to get started.

The Thing:
Grab a cinder block and speed ruck to cones in the car lane.

Round 1:
– 10 Cinder Block Squat, Curl to Overhead Press
– Ruck to large cone on the right:
– 5 Man Makers
– 10 Ruck Push-ups
– 15 Overhead Ruck Hold Squats
– Speed Ruck around the parking lot

Round 2: Rinse and repeat
– This time, further ruck around more of the parking lot.

Round 3: Rinse and repeat
– This time, ruck the immediate parking lot and then around the field.

Round 4: Rinse and repeat
– Bring the block with you.

After Exercise:
– Carry block to the bottom of the hill going to Walmart.

Light Post Challenges:

1. 1st Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 2nd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 3rd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls to overhead press.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

Once completed, farmer carry your ruck and cinder block to the entrance of the school. Then, put the ruck back on and get the cinder block back any way you can.

It was a shoulder smoke show!

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:

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Fun up the hill

The hill has been neglected and the enemy captured it. Time to take it back!

With rucks and without coupons

Playground obstacle course:
Bear crawl up the little ramp
Down the rocks
Climb across the poles
bear crawl to the top

March on to the hill
Drop it into 4 low (bear crawl) up the little hills on the way
Capture the hill

Return to COT for 7s of burpees and thrusters

MARY: ain’t nobody got time for dat.

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Moist Shovel Flag Transfer

Mist and drizzle at 0445 but it was raining hard at my house so I knew we were going to get wet.

WARMUP: rucks off, yogging around parking lot and warm-a-rama including plank and various doggy-named stretches, in-cadence SSH, Windmills, MNCs then ruck on and walk around parking lot

3 sets of 11s with shortening travel distances

Set 1:
Ruck on
Ruck shuffle full length of parking lot
Merkins on one side, squats on other side

Set 2:
Ruck off
Suit case carry between first two parking lot jut outs
Squat thrusters on one side, bent over rows on other side

Set 3:
Ruck off
Bear crawl ruck pull throughs on field between fence and random pile of clothes
Manmakers on one side, curls on other side

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: shovel flag handoff to Falcon Crest

COT: yup

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Light Post Roulette

WARMUP: Rucked a lap around the school
THE THANG: Once we determined the scheduled Q was MIA, we improvised and rucked down to Walmart. We stopped at every light post along the way and back, and a pax called out an exercise in cadence at each light post.
MARY: Freddy Mercury, Heels to Heaven, LBC, American Hammers
COT: Closed in prayer

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