Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

  • QIC: Gears
  • When: 02/07/17
  • Pax: Tater, Photobomb, Falcon Crest, Wapner, Mainframe, Witchhunt, Bob the Builder, Decibel, Funhouse, Fishsticks, Reborn, NASA, Router, Heisenburg, Maximus, Edison, Cobra Kai, Crash, Zima, Spiderman, Twister, Trucker, Geronimo, Bonsai, Lil'E, Chedda, WWL, Sir Topham Hat, Gekko, Repeat, McGyver, Gears (YHC)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

As a massive number of PAX rolled in for GC, I noticed that nearly all had on reflective gear or a Ruck.  Light crowd for the Boot Camp portion, but it only takes 2 PAX (and we had 7).  There was all kinds of Running and Rucking going on, but here’s what we did for the Boot Camp:

The Thang

Known as the Running Escalator at WIB in Metro.

Warm Up Lap around the outside of the GC lot (~ half mile).

Form up in Pairs (with one triple due to odd numbers) and do the following:

  • 1 Pull Up
  • 2 Merkins
  • 3 LBC

While the other PAX is doing Mountain Climbers.  Then flapjack and the second PAX multiplies x2:

  • 2 Pull Ups
  • 4 Merkins
  • 6 LBC

The flapjacking and multiplication continues up to 11x and then descends down to 1x, replacing the Mountain Climbers with Prison Squats.

At increments of 5, we took a lap around the lot along with a special lap at 11s, so it looked like this:

Lap, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, Lap, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, Lap, 11x, Lap, 10x, 9x, 8x, 7x, 6x, Lap, 5x, 4x, 3x, 2x, 1x, Lap

In the end, this turned out to be totaled per team at:

  • 121 Pull Ups
  • 242 Merkins
  • 363 LBCs


Not much to report on this one.  My 3rd Q of the week and was looking for something fresh, so I turned to other regions for inspiration. Overall a keeper I think.


  • Yeti
  • CAH this Saturday and Next, NASA is Site Q
  • 3rd F Convergence 2/25 0530 @ Eternal
  • The Forging rescheduled for 3/11


  • Tater’s wife has an optional surgery coming up.  Prayers for peace about what decision to take on that.
  • WWL’s college friend is having a planned C-Section Today.  Prayers for safe delivery.
  • Bojangles wife lost her job.  Prayers for guidance and peace to find a new one (Pharma sales).
  • Olive is struggling, please lift him up in this difficult time (#Cobains that omitted from BOM Prayer).

Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Old and Bitter Bootcamp Q at Golden Corral

  • QIC: Old Bay (bootcamp), Spiderman (ruck), Jeeves (run)
  • When: 01/24/17
  • Pax: Maximus, Bonsai, Shady, Decible, Schaffer, Falcon Crest, Senator Tressel, Mainframe, Wapner, WhatDid, Cornhole, Reborn, Photobombed, Wild thing, Sir Topham Hatt, Jeeves, Jekyll, Twister, Gecko, Yoga Pants (FNG), Scrapple (FNG), Lil E, Dark Helmet, Spiderman, Tater, Old Bay
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

26 pax saddled up at the Golden Corral for a cornucopia of workout options (old school boot campers, rucking mules, and running gazelles) in another unseasonably warm January morning. The groups split off fairly evenly, as YHC took the boot campers (about 7 total) for a warm-up mosey around the shopping center parking lot before landing in the CVS lot for warm-up.

Warm-up O Rama

  • SSH (IC) x30
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) x15
  • Plank Jacks (IC) x20
  • Mountain Climbers (IC) x20
  • Moroccan Squats (IC) x20

Mosey to the Grace Presby Church

The Thang
Two stations were set up at extreme ends of the parking lot. Pax all gathered at station 1 and partnered up (size not mattering). Partner 1 performed first exercise (listed on a paper at station 1) while partner 2 ran to station 2, did the first exercise (listed on paper at station 2, with the number of reps). Partner 2 then ran back to station 1 and flapjacked. Once partner 1 returned, repeato with next exercises on the lists. Here were the lists at each station.

Station 1:

1. Burpees
2. Jump Squats
3. Merkins
4. Carolina Dry Docks
5. Bomb Jacks
6. Calf Raises
7. Monkey Humpers

Station 2:

1. 20 LBCs
2. 10 Morning Wood
3. 20 Superman
4. 15 Mahktar Ndiayes
5. 20 Sumo Squats
6. 20 Heels to Heaven
7. 15 American Hammers

These exercises took us right up to 6am and we headed back to COT. But about mid-way through the list, pax took a recovery and discussed the tendency to get bitter as we get older. Why does this seem to happen? Perhaps it’s a reaction to youth not respecting the wisdom that comes with age. Perhaps it is because older folks just have more time to watch FoxNews. No matter the reason, as I age I find it easier to be bitter about things. My dad had bitter tendencies before a brain tumor took his life a few years ago. The doctors said the tumor was affecting his judgement and likely the cause for his attitude. But that got me thinking: for most people, bitterness is a choice. So, when my 10 year old proudly shows me a creative drawing she did, instead of getting ready for bed like I asked, I have a choice on how I react. When a long-time customer tells me he is leaving for my competition, I have a choice on how I react. When the Q says we need to do 5 minutes of burpees to finish up the workout, I have a choice on how I react. We are presented with choices on how we react hundreds of times a day. For each of those, we should pause for a moment and determine if our knee-jerk reaction is one that will speak life into the other person, or beat others down. As I pause to contemplate my response, I try to keep in mind that assuming the best in others will usually keep my heart out of trouble.

Thanks Decibel and fellow pax for the opportunity to serve by lending the workout. Fine group of pax that worked hard and provided great encouragement. Special welcome to FNGs Scrapple and Yoga Pants (both ruckers).

TClap |

Pre-Blast: The Yeti 2017, Less Miles, More Pain

Alrighty PAX! It’s that time of year and I don’t want this #CSAUP to slip by anyone’s radar. Welcome to the 2nd installment of The Yeti! This year things are going to be a bit different. Here’s a list of some of the changes:

    • We’re adding an extra painstation
    • We’re adding trails (ASCG and Baxter)
    • We’re adding a rucking option
    • We’ve decreased the mileage…kidding 🙂
    • Event will start and finish at Golden Corral

With Pathfinder starting in February, YHC thought he would add some of the Pathfinder challenges (coupon, time hack, etc.) to the Yeti in an effort to help PAX reach their Pathfinder goals. After several failed attempts to incorporate, I realized that I was straying from the purpose of the Yeti, a complete body beatdown with some serious mileage. And let’s face it, we’re big boys and can set goals for ourselves without Zima laying them out for you. That said, there is a rucking option and it may kill you. So without saying much more as I tend to do, here’s The Thang!


Date: February 18, 2017
Start Times
5:00 AM (Rucking Group)
6:30 AM (Running Group)
7:00 AM (Run/Bike Group*)
Finish: 10:30 AM (Estimate)

*If you are biking, please keep in mind that you will be biking Baxter Trails from RnG to Colosseum (ie: use a Mountain Bike)

2nd F at Fort Mill BBQ immediately following the event!

Run: Golden Corral to Ranch: 4.0 miles
Run: Ranch to Bruce Rush Pavilion** (ASCG): 3.5 miles (7.50 mi run)
Bike: Bruce Rush Pavilion to Run N Gun: 3.25 miles
Bike: Run N Gun to Colosseum: 4.0 miles (7.25 mi bike)
Bike: Colosseum to Golden Corral: 2.25 miles (9.50 mi bike)

Total: 17.00ish miles

**You will run the Haigler Lake Loop before the painstation

Rucking Group: Show up to GC no later than 4:45 AM for Prep and BOM!

Running Group: Show up to GC no later than 6:15 AM for Prep and BOM. COP will starts at 6:30 AM.

Run/Bike Group: Show up at GC no later than 6:50 AM for Prep and BOM. COP starts at 7:00 AM. Plan on dropping your bikes off at Bruce Rush Pavillion at 6:30 AM. The Greenway will be opening the gates promptly at 6:30 for us.

Relay Notes: If you are participating as a 2-man relay, the process is very simple. Both Pax show up at GC. 1st Runner departs while the 2nd Runner drives car to the next pain station/AO. Complete the pain station as a group and then 2nd Runner departs while the 1st Runner drives car to the next station. Sounds complicated but it’s really not!

Biker Notes: Obey all posted signs and travel with traffic

Additionally, as last year I’m sure there will be tons of questions. My advice? As with all things F3, these are merely suggested options for the Yeti. At the end of the day, do what you want to do and what feels right. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself. Remember the first rule of the Yeti…Don’t Die!

Click HERE to view the Yeti 2017 Route

Important Items

  • Signup HERE for the Yeti and BBQ
  • Click HERE for the Mudgear Yeti 2017 Shirt
  • We’re currently looking for Q’s for the painstations. If you are on IR or interested, please contact me
  • As a thanks to the Greenway, we are requesting a min $5 donation from each PAX
  • Updates will be posted as they come available


Update: Here are your Painstation Q’s

Warmup at Golden Corral: WWL & Cobra Kai (Ruckers) / Funhouse (Runners) / Bonsai & Mainframe (Run/Bike)
The Ranch: Sir Topham Hat
Bruce Rush Pavilion: Anchorman
Run n Gun: Len Clamp
Colosseum: Package

TClap |

12 Days of Christmas with a Ruck

  • QIC: Spider-Man
  • When: 12/20/2016
  • Pax: Maximus, Cheddah, WWL, Reborn, Orange Crush, Deacon, Royal, Edison, Repeat, Bridgegate (FNG)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Golden Corral has always been a great AO and it is no different for the ruck option.  With ten ruckers in attendance it is clear that this “ruck thing” has taken hold.  Those that have not tried it need to.  It comes with the excellent opportunity for some 2nd F disguised as 1st F for those long rucks.  The ruck workouts are another thing.  Think boot camp and a gear workout wrapped up in one.  Cardio exercises are greatly intensified buy the extra weight.  Strength exercises, like a merkin, are taken to another level.  As much as it sounds like an infomercial promising faster results in the middle of the night, it is true!!

Warm-Up – With the ruck on

  • Windmills X10
  • Plank then raise right arm and left foot, then reverse
  • Merkins X10
  • Mountain Climbers X15

Mosey over to the strip mall in front of Fort Mill BBQ.  Time for the main course….12 Days of Christmas, ruck style.

  • 1 100 Yard Dash
  • 2 Standing Lunges
  • 3 Maktar N’Diayes
  • 4 Sumo Squats
  • 5 Golden Burpees
  • 6 Merkins
  • 7 Dips
  • 8 Ruck Swings
  • 9 Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Bicep Curls
  • 11 Tricep Extensions
  • 12 Ruck Thrusters (Ruck held at neck level, drop to a squat, stand and press the ruck up to full extension)

We started out with the 100 yard dash without the rucks.  As the workout went on PAX started to leave the ruck on for the 100 yard dash.  Whether this was out of purely being lazy or wanting the extra push, nobody said, but it happened.  WWL pioneered the idea and Maximus picked up on the very next rotation.  By the end about half of the PAX were in on the fun.

The seventh, sixth, and fifth days of Christmas are apparently a rough time for everyone.  At least that true when you there is a string of dips, merkins, and burpees.  Painful on every pass.

Once the PAX all completed the days, we marched it 2X2 to the wall next to State Farm.  Here we took a seat in the People’s Chair with our rucks on our laps.  Hung out here for a while and then started walking toward the Red Bowl.  Rucks off, and held over our heads from State Farm to the front of Teeter.  Shoulders spent, we rucked our way over to the parked cars and completed some Mary while we waited for the boot camper to arrive.

Huge shout out to FNG Bridge Gate for making his F3 debut with a ruck workout!  Moving from the couch to post is a big enough step, doing it with a ruck is another level.  Way to wash that red pill down with Tabasco!

As always, a true honor to lead PAX as strong as these.  I look forward to the next opportunity.


  • Joe Davis Run – We have 5K, 10K, and ruck options.  We have coffee from Forte Legato.  And the best part, it is an amazing cause.  You have no reason not to sign up.


  • Royal’s father
  • Sgt York and family as they travel back from China
  • Olaf and his family
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A Fine December Morning

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 12/13/16
  • Pax: Decibel, Sir Topham Hat, Wapner, Fish Sticks, Falcon Crest, Mainframe, Cable Guy
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Eight men met at the Harris Teeter lot for another Tuesday morning beatdown at the Golden Corral.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Dynamic warmup:  knees to chest, ankles to waist, lunge/arm extension, toy soldiers,    Start the mosey to the COP, but wait, someone else is pulling in – it’s Sir Topham Hat!   So, we picked him up and circled back to the COP:

All in cadence:  SSH x 40, merkin x 10, cotton picker x 10, diamond merkin x 10, squat x 20, LBC x 20, mountain climber x 40, hillbilly walker x 20, staggered merkin (10L/10R)

Mosey to the hill by the old driving range and meet at the bottom.  Run up the hill and back to the bottom. . At the bottom, pair up for Jacob’s Ladder.   Stay together for the whole routine and start at 3 burpees and work up to 10 burpees.

Mosey back to the original spot on the HT lot, line up and face the retaining wall.  Plank it up while one guy runs to the wall, box jumps it, does a bombjack and returns to the line.  The next person in line takes off to do the same while the guys waiting drop to 6″.  Alternate between a regular plank and a 6″ plank until all the Pax have run to the wall and back.

Circle up for ABLAB (all medium/slow counts – crowd pleaser!)

Freddie Merc x 20, American hammer x 20, alternate left hand to right leg extension x 10, Superman hold x 2,



We had a total of 17 Pax this morning including the 9 others who were rucking with Witch Hunt.   Having the ‘ruck crew’ at Golden Corral is a regular thing now,  and it’s a good thing.  There is always more chatter with a larger group, and it’s fun to start and end together.    When we did Jacob’s Ladder today, I had the guys pair up and stay together to encourage one guy to push the other guy to go faster.   I hope that had the desired effect.  Toward the end of the workout, we did box jumps on the retaining wall which, the last time we did this, the wall was not quite as tall. Hmmm….must have been at a different spot at the parking lot – sorry about that men!

Lately, I’ve noticed that the guys are sticking around longer after workout to hang out and catch up with one another.   A lot of us have known each other for a couple years or longer,  and the friendships we’ve developed are growing stronger.  That’s great to see and gives you another reason to climb out of bed and meet at 5:15 am!


Turkey collection this week and through Saturday for Paradise neighborhood.  Xmas party on Saturday, Paintheon games tomorrow.  Read your newsletter!

Praise for the birth of Olaf’s child, prayers for a troubled father,  prayers for the injured Pax



TClap |

Back to the Barracks Ruck – Golden Coral 12/13/2016

  • QIC: Witch Hunt
  • When: 12/13/2016
  • Pax: Cobra Kai, WWL, CSPAN, Royale, Deacon, Orange Crush, Zima, Maximus, Witch Hunt (QIC)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

A nice 40 degree morning met the 9 Pax that ascended on the Golden Coral for the Ruck workout lead by YHC. With the weinke ready and the disclaimer given by Senator Tressel, it was time to get to work.

A quick ruck march to the front of the doctors office for the warm up:

  • Windmills x10
  • IW x10
  • Cotton Pickers x10

Now that we were loose, we marched over to the church parking to start the fun.

The Thang

The workout consisted of 4 missions being completed within 30 minutes. If all 4 missions cannot be completed then there will be a penalty of 20 Man-Maker Burpees (No Thank You)

We start at The Barracks (aka MIddle of parking lot) and complete the following:

  • 10 Ruck Swings
  • 10 Curls
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Merkins

Subsequently, after each mission you go Back to the Barracks complete these exercises before heading out for the next mission. The missions were as follows:

Mission 1:

Head over to the Hill by the Cell Phone Tower and count off by 2. Group 1 holds a plank while Group 2 heads up the hill, performs 1 Burpee and returns to the bottom and switches with Group 1. This will continue until each group has been up the hill 5 times.

Mission 2:

Everyone’s favorite: Catch me if you can around the island of the Church Parking Lot. Must complete 2 laps.

Mission 3:

Pax will pair up and complete 200 flutters (Double Count) while holding ruck while there partner holds their Ruck overhead. Pax will switch every 25.

Mission 4:

Pax will form a single line around the circle in front of the church. Pax will then bear crawl around the circle twice.

With only a minute to spare, all Pax completed the final Barracks workout. No penalty.

We finished the workout about 10 minutes early (had to pad the timing in case we had to complete the penalty),we marched to the back of the Harris Tetter. Here we removed the ruck and finished the march to COT while holding the ruck overhead.

Thanks to Cobra Kai for the opportunity to lead and for all the work put in by the Pax. I am constantly amazed, and humbled, by the tenacity of the Pax to tackle any challenge I put in front of them. Today was not different.

Until next time, back to the Hunt….



TClap |

Cinderblock Fiesta

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 11/29/2016
  • Pax: Mainframe, Senator Tressel, Decibel, Falcon Crest, Jekyll
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Straight up #Cobains for the lateness of this BB for Golden Corral- Hope I get it out before today’s gets posted.

Well- GC is turning in to a Ruck centric work out- I’ll admit it, I’ve done it.  While the majority of the Pax took off with their backpacks, the men stayed back, grabbed a cinderblock and mosied to the church field.  My Q’s all have a common thread: constant movement + strength.  this morning would be no different.  After setting our blocks down at one end of the field- we move to the parking lot for a #warmorama


SSH, Merkins, SSH, MC, SSH, Peter Parker, SSH, Parker Peter

The Thang

Block work then movement consisting of a #downandback approx 40 yrds each way.  #downandbacks were running, backward running, shuffles, karoeke, bobby hurleys, crab walk and bear crawls

Block Work included curls, overhead press, squat, bent over rows, tricep ext, push ups, ski abs and the piece de resistance: cinder block burpee

Each circuit had 3 rounds of exercise and run


Naked Man Moleskin

It had been a long time since I had done block work- these guys were filled with lead.  my hamstrings and core were crushed from bent rows and burpees.  Lets do it again!  Senator Tressel is the defintion of form.. and hair.  Love to see Falcon Crest catching the fire- keep bringing it.



TClap |

Sleeper Cell at Golden Corral

  • QIC: Zima
  • When: 12/06/16
  • Pax: Twister (Respect!), Dark Helmet, Crabcakes, Decibel, Cobra Kai, WWL, Falcon's Crest, CSPAN, Bonsai, Geronimo, Reborn, Maximus, Spider-Man, Royale, Trucker, Zima (YHC)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Time: 0505 – Ruckers rolling in from all angles. Rucks being dropped off. Rucks being picked up.
Time: 0510 – 14 Ruckers Counted, 2 Boot Campers
Time: 0514 – 2 Boot Campers (Decibel and Falcon’s Crest) are provided each with a Ruck
Time: 0515 – Disclaimer briefly disclaimed and we started rucking. Not a lot of time.

Before we get to The Thang, a little lesson.

sleep·er cell
a secretive group of spies that remain inactive within a target population until ordered to act.

Over the course of the past year, this sleeper cell (aka F3 Rucking Crew) has been slowly infiltrating the ranks. It started at the Swamp with just a few PAX and a simple, “Hey, I’ve got this extra ruck no one’s using, wanna join us?” A few visits to and gear options galore. It started to spread a bit. Still not quite a movement, but something. Then a Custom Goruck at the Fort Announcement (get on the waitlist), A Brewruck (sounds fun?), a 20 mile overnight ruck (less fun) plus more to come. It was clear this morning that the sleeper cell was activated. If you haven’t tried rucking or a ruck workout, don’t worry, you will. You don’t have a choice anymore. This brings us to The Thang. Mind you, this is not your typical ruck or ruck workout. This is an F3 Ruck Beatdown! Oh yeah, it was raining. All rucks are 30# except for my M’s which Decibel got. It’s pink and 32#.

Mosey to the overhang by the Rite Aid for COP (Rucks On): Arm Twirly Things (fwd and back), Windmills IC X10, Merkins IC X5 and Mtn Climbers IC X15

Walk to Overhang for Meat and Potatoes portion of the workout

Partner Pyramid: Partner 1 Runs a lap around Rite Aid, Domino’s and Jersey Mikes while Partner 2 does the exercise. Flip Flop until the cumulative number is reached.

Running (Ruck Off)
Exercise (Ruck On or used as coupon/gear)

• 50 Burpees (Crowd Pleaser)
• 100 Merkins
• 150 Ruck Swings (Think KB Swing but with a ruck)
• 200 OH Flutters (Flutters with Ruck held overhead)
• 150 Ruck Curls
• 100 Merkins
• 50 Burpees (Most made it here, it sucked)

Almost everyone completed the series and we cleared about 2+ miles for the running portion. Strong work by all and this was a true beatdown. I already need a nap and I can’t lift my arms. Here are my notes.

-Tclaps to Reborn for coming across the river. Great to have you.
-Welcome to the club Decibel and Falcon’s Crest
-Knew it was a “good” workout when I started getting threats of bodily harm (looking at you DH)
-Who knew counting could be so difficult when you’re a) dizzy and b) trying not to spill merlot
-Thanks to Crabcakes for the Manchurian Candidate reference inspiring the title of this BB
-Honestly don’t have much more than that. I’m old and it was a blur. Appreciated everyone who posted!

-Christmas Party (if you know any PAX where $ is tight, please get them in touch with either CSPAN or Italian Job. There are PAX willing to sponsor others)
-PAINtheon Games next Wednesday at The Coop 0500, yes 0500
-Christmas Eve Convergence at The Yard (0615 5K and 0700 Workout)
-(Home)Brewruck Coming next April
-Get on the Fort Custom Goruck waitlist

Praise and Prayers
-Prayers for Bonsai’s Aunt as she prepares for breast cancer surgery
-Prayers for Royale’s Father
-Prayers for Sgt York as they travel to China to adopt 2 children
-Prayers for safe travels for many and for the family at home


Always and Honor Guys!

TClap |

Rucking hate running with a ruck

  • QIC: Spider-Man
  • Pax: Dark Helmet, Witch-hunt, Little E, Trucker, WhatDid, Peabody, Orange Crush
  • Posted In: Golden Corral


  • SSH X25
  • Merkin X10
  • Imperial Walker X10
  • Peter Parker X10

This workout was designed to get the heart rate up, allow for a break, and then rinse and repeat the whole thing.  As the PAX grumbled out during the workout, the weinke was short but distinguished.  The first step was to pick a partner to enjoy the pain with.

Lap 1:  Lap Catch me if you can

  • One partner takes off with both his ruck and his partner’s ruck (one is each hand) while the other partner completes 10 merkins and then runs to catch up with his ruck carrying partner.
  • We started at Bubbles and Bows and did the full loop of the parkting lot.  Bubbles and Bows to State Farm to the last parking isle at HT and back to Bubbles and Bows.
  • Follow up with hands on knees and heavy breathing

Lap 2:  Ruck (2X2) with pain stations

  • Ruck to State Farm
  • Bear Crawl from State Farm to the salon at the end of the building
  • Ruck to the last parking isle in front of HT
  • Overhead ruck carry back to Bubbles and Bows
  • 15 flutter kicks with a ruck press
  • 7 merkins with the ruck on (apparently these are harder of a long overhead carry)

Lap 3:  Catch me if you can

Lap 4: Ruck (2X2) without pain stations

Lap 5:  Ruck (2X2) with pain stations

Lap 6:  Catch me if you can

Meet up with the coupon carrying crew led by Jekyll at Golden Corral for COT

TClap |

Building with Bricks

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 11/15/16
  • Pax: Decibel, Funhouse, Falcon Crest, Pusher, Bait Shop, Fish Sticks, Jeeves, Mainframe, Spark Plug, The ruckers: Cobra Kai, Zima, Which Hunt, Dark Helmet
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

14 men converged at the Harris Teeter shopping center on a cool, foggy Tuesday morning.   After a brief disclaimer, the four Ruckers donned their packs and marched away while the rest of the pax stayed with YHC.  This is what we did:

The Thang:

Dynamic warmup with arm circles/shoulder pulls, lunge/back twist/arm extensions, knee/ankle pulls, inchworm back/forth to stretch the back, and then toy soldiers.  Mosey around the lot and pick up two bricks from the white Passat.

Short jog to the COP with one brick in each hand (all in cadence):

SSH x 25, windmill x 15, Morrocan night club x 25, squat x 20, merkin x 10, crunch press x 20.

Senator plank (all in cadence):  Start in a “downward dog’ position, do 5 CCD’s, walk down to regular plank, do 5 merkins, drop to 6”, come back up, left arm/leg high, flip over, do 5 dips, right arm/leg high, regular and hold.  Hold and rinse/repeat entire sequence (try to do whole thing without taking a knee)

Jog to the wall along the side of your Harris Teeter.  Split into two groups


Group 1:  give your bricks to a partner, then run to the bottom of the hill by the old driving range and run back

Group 2:  Do overhead presses with two bricks in each hand until group 1 gets back.  (FLAPJACK)

ROUND 2:  Same as round 1, but wall sit with the bricks in your lap.

ROUND 3:  Same as round 1, but do curls with two bricks in each hand

Mosey back to the front lot for some AB works with the bricks:

V-ups x 20, American hammers x 20, X’s & O’s x 10

Finish up with Jack Webbs with bricks, 1:4 (crowd pleaser).  We made it to 8 this morning and ran out of time (no complaints from the Pax, and the Q didn’t mind either)


It was pretty foggy this morning, but the bright lights of the parking lot kept everything clear.   I like all of the Tuesday AO’s, but the Golden Corral is still my favorite and I think it’s because it’s so well-lit.   The attendance count was 14  and four of those were ruckers.   Those guys show up everywhere!  The popularity of the ruck workout has exploded at the Fort.  .

The remaining 10 stayed with me as we ran through various, familiar exercises with the added weight of a small brick in each hand.  The extra resistance provided a little oomf to everything we did today and made Jack Webbs especially tough.  My goal was to get to a count of 10/40, but unfortunately we ran out of time and only made it to an 8 count (full disclosure – not sure the Q could make it to 10).  But, the way my shoulders and arms feel right now, 8 was plenty….

It was a privilege to lead such a fine group and it was great to see Falcon Crest  (dude, your name is not Hawk’s Crest) who started F3 just a few weeks ago, and also Spark Plug, who is rarely seen during the week.

Announcements:  F3 camping trip, soccer game, Thanksgiving convergence with turkey (bring non perishable canned goods to workout) , Xmas party (check the newsletter for details).

Prayers and praises:  Cobra Kai, Cornhole, Zima, and CSPAN will travel to Jacksonville with OBT and Dredd for F3 Expansion.  Prayers for a brother-in-law with cancer.  Praise for a successful youth mission trip that built friendships and helped young people grow in their faith.


TClap |