Getting Your Sea Legs Stronger

  • When: 6/6/2017
  • Pax: Peg, NASA, Cerrano, and Royale
  • Posted In: Sea Legs, The Fort

When Hauschka asked me to sub-Q for him at Sea Legs, I jumped at the chance. Or rather tried to. After Q-ing up an APFT at Quagmire the day before and pushing my legs as hard as they could go to put in a solid effort, not to mention a short run on Sunday, and an 8mile ruck Saturday morning followed by the NoDa 5K in the afternoon – my legs were spent. But there is no better way to get stronger than to get after it again.

I pulled up to the parking lot and a handful of PAX got out and committed themselves to getting stronger here at Sea Legs. One thing I can say is the PAX I have met while in F3 are some truly great people in every way. You look forward to seeing them and the 2nd F opportunity. Today was no different. I knew we’d have a great run regardless of how we performed.

The Thang was simple – we ran. fin. (to borrow the phrase from DaVinci)

It was a simple out and back down 49, right onto Bonum Rd at Copper Pub. All the way to the end of Bonum where it turns into Duck Haven and dead ends on a point at the lake. Beautiful scenery down there. Then flip it and return home. Oh, and there were hills. The final 1/2 mile or so descent to the lake was nice until you had to make it an ascent, and my legs were not cooperating today. Thank you Cerrano for pushing me on. We spread out a little on the ‘out’ half, but kept together as a tight group on the return. There was alot of great conversations along the way. When you get to the level in your running where you can hold a conversation at a sub 8:30-9 pace, it is a great thing. We got back to the COT a little early, and added another loop around the parking lot for good measure.

* CAH workout this Saturday 4pm
* Hog and Coyote on 6/17 followed by the CAH river float on the Catawba
* Gutters and Gringos this Saturday
Prayers and Praises:
* Prayers for the PAX and the struggles they are going through – Royale and his family, Axl and his family, Flea and his ankle, Cornerstone’s daughter and his family, Qwerty, Mr T, and many more
* Praises for those committed to making themselves better in any way

If you have never been to Sea Legs, it is a relatively new running AO held in the same place where the bootcamp AO “Poop Deck” is at. There are tons of huge parking lots around for speed work – I’m going to GPS one to find a 200M loop for such fun – and alot of roads for your basic runs. There are flat areas and hilly areas for runs. Plenty of pain or pleasure to pick. Plus, it has the added advantage of being right on Lake Wylie. One of the most spiritually invigorating things you can do is put a solid run in the early AM and catch a sunrise. Seeing God’s creative beauty on display is the best way to start your day. Seeing a sunrise over the water amplifies that x100 (I wonder if Witch Hunt had that in mind when he picked this venue for this new running AO). A few times I have been running in the area when the sun said hello coming over the water. Those are some of the most spiritually invigorating, soul fulfilling moments I have had. Your pace picks up no matter how tired you are when you witness the awe of His creation on display like that. You have a renewed sense (and appreciation) of just how great the Sky Q is, what He can do.

As I mentioned on my BB for Quagmire on 6/5 – running is a life skill. It forges not only physical endurance and cardio strength, but also mental strength, discipline, perseverance, and focus. Pushing yourself through the mental wall created by the hurt to go that extra mile, shave off a little time from your average pace. The idea behind Sea Legs is for anyone wants to be a runner or a better runner, regardless of skill level – this is the place for you. The PAX here are committed to helping anyone interested to reap the benefits of what running can do for them (same for Tempo, Clydesdales, Laces In, and so on). Yes it will hurt at times, but as long as it is not an injury, push it and keep getting after it. If you are not physically hurting somewhere at the end of the day after a good run (or workout), then plain and simple – you are not putting enough effort in, or you are insanely fit. Eventually pain heals. The mind and body get stronger from it. The PAX will be there for you to encourage, support, and push/pull you along, just as in any F3 AO. If you commit yourself to the process you WILL get those Sea Legs stronger, and help someone else do the same, and in the process make yourself stronger in many other ways.

Four PAX did just that today.

God Bless and thank you for the opportunity to lead,

TClap |

Being Army Strong at The Quagmire

  • When: 6/5/2017
  • Pax: Straight Up, Flea, Crawdaddy, Fish Sticks, Sharkbait (Fish Sticks' 2.0), World Wide Leader, Nuke, Vinnie, Short Shorts, and Cornhole (R) FNG: All In (EH by Straight Up)
  • Posted In: Quagmire, The Fort

A gloomy, rainy day at the Quagmire. As in everything in life, one should always look at the bright side – at least it was not January or February. The PAX rounded up in the rain, ready to roll. We had a FNG, Jason, so the PAX recited the 3 F’s and the 5 core principles of F3. Then I let FNG know the disclaimer, and off we went.

A light jog with some slow dynamic movements mixed in to loosen up everyone’s legs – high knees, butt kickers, and toy soldiers. Rounded up everyone in the parking lot behind ABC for the COP

  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 15
  • MNC x 15
  • IW x 20
  • Downward Dog and Honeymooner to stretch those legs out

The Thang – APFT

Myself, DaVinci, Flea, and Rad are in the Pathfinder Forward program, so I decided to use the Q opportunity DaVinci presented to me to knock off a Pathfinder challenge – The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The APFT is a great way to measure where you are at with your basic core strength, endurance, and cardio. Three basic exercises that are scored based upon sex and age, with the goal to pass or improve as you go. Partner up for support, one partner does the exercise while the other supports/counts. The PAX were explained the exercises:
* 2 minutes merkins AMRAP
* 2 minutes big-boy situps AMRAP
* Timed 2 mile run
And then we HIT IT HARD!!
Special Thank You to Cornhole for his assistance in timekeeping, encouraging the PAX, and keeping people honest, as well as WWL for his support and encouragement of the PAX.

The Results:

Name Age Push-ups Sit-ups 2 mi Run Score
(out of 300)
1. NASA 47 56 48 15:30 267 Pass
2. Straight Up! 44 101 77 15:50 284 Pass
3. Flea 36 25 25 DNF 0 Fail
4. Crawdaddy 36 60 54 15:33 238 Pass
5. Sharkbait (2.0) 12 51 81 13:42 262 Pass
6. WWL 30 30 burpees 62 DNP A for burpee challenge
7. Nuke 37 71 40 14:46 250 Pass
8. Vinnie 42 32 44 18:00 200 Pass
9. Fishsticks 47 94 70 13:50 300 Pass
11. FNG – All In 35 31 13 ?? ?? ??
12. Short Shorts 32 61 47 17:39 212 Pass
13. Cornhole (R) 51 A+ for assistance and burpee challenge
Check your scores at

Sorry but FNGs run time was not recorded.
I commend each and every one of the PAX for all of the effort they put into this. There were alot of grunts and groans as they really dug deep to push themselves for that extra ‘up’ or to shave off that extra second or few off their run. Plus there was a TON of support, cheering, mumblechatter, and encouragement from everyone. That is what it is all about – pushing yourself and each other to do better and thus get better. The rain made things interesting, also cooled us off – I love running in a warm rain, it’s peaceful to a degree. But it NEVER slowed any of us down at all. When it was all said and done we were right at 6am so we moseyed back to the COT.

* Read the Newsletter
* Hog & Coyote coming up
* Float on the Catawba with CAH residents after H&C
* Gutters and Gringos coming up this weekend 6/10
Prayers and Praises
* Prayers for all PAX going through struggles, whether personally or within their family/loved ones
* Praises for all PAX pushing themselves today
* Praises to Flea for attempting this on a bum ankle, and prayers he heals quickly
* Praises to the FNG “All In” for posting in the rain, and pushing himself in the APFT.

Cornhole took a moment to mention something that I feel needs to be repeated here on the BB – the importance of cardio strength (in boot camp workouts, rucks, etc) and how running helps it. One PAX approached him a while back and mentioned how he was tired of being the 6, and asked Cornhole what to do about it. His response was simple – run. Running builds not only cardio strength, but mental strength. It builds up the life skills within you that F3 itself tries to invigorate – discipline, focus, strength, endurance, perseverance, and belief in yourself. The ability to push through the pain as you go that next mile further than before, trim that extra 10, 20, 30 seconds off of your average pace. Just as with any F3 workout where you have PAX there to encourage you, you can do the same with running. If you are wanting to become a runner or a better runner, running in a group is always better than running alone for they will challenge, pace, and teach you. I used to HATE running unless there was a ball involved and it was a sport. Almost a year later since joining F3, I absolutely love it and cannot get enough of it. I’ve run with some incredible runners, and they’ve pushed me to my limits. It hurt like heck at times, but it only made me stronger. If you open yourself up to the Sky Q and what He and F3 combined can do for you and commit yourself, it will be life changing in a most amazing way. For those who a considering entering the running world – enter a 5K, and it will give you a goal to strive for. Finish that 5K and you will have a renewed sense of accomplishment that will make you want to do more, something to build off of. To train – all it takes is once a week to start. There are plenty of running AOs out there for you. Push yourself, the PAX will be there to support you. Take that first step. If you do, you will not regret it.

Thank you and God bless,

TClap |

4 Headed Monster Pre-Blast

Yea Yea we have all heard of the dreaded 3 headed monster workout. 3 Q’s take turns devastating the PAX for 45 minutes of misery. That’s cute and all but have you ever heard of the 4 headed monster? Let me paint the picture of the pain that will ensue as Sauerkraut takes the hand off as site Q from Chicken Wing. ALL the past site Q’s will return for a special 1 hour edition of Tomahawk June 12th. We will travel from past (Ringer and Birdcage) to present (Sauerkraut and Chicken Wing) in a no holds barred 15 minute each nuke your body session. This is something you both want to be at, and want to miss. All the cool kids will be there. Don’t forget, 5 sharp on June 12. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED

TClap |

Saturday in Paradise

  • QIC: WhatDid
  • When: 06/03/2017
  • Pax: Change order, Optimus prime, Fig, Peabody, Ellie (2.0), Jackson (2.0), ChickenHawk, TPS, Bridgegate, All Star, Benjamins (FNG), miss match (FNG), ju ju, WhatDid (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

With only 8 Pax and 2 2.0s in attendance at 9 am we did a little OYO stretching to give the soon to be in attendance Pax time to get there. After about 5 minutes I decided to have us mosey through the neighborhood. The purpose of the mosey was to warm us up but more importantly it gave us an opportunity to let the men and kids know that we were there and ready to workout. It worked….

As we moseyed Peabody’s 2.0, Jackson ran into a friend, All star ( AJ), along the run. It was awesome to see the connection of these kids and the fun they embarked on this Summer morning.

We finished the mosey up past the church and backed down to the water park – which was heavily shaded. There we circled up and …

  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 Imperial Walkers IC
  • 15 Hilly Billy Walkers IC
  • 15 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 15 Plank Jacks IC
  • 15 Seal Jacks IC

After we finished up COP we moseyed over to the path that cuts through the park and found a sitting wall….there was no sitting but it was a great shaded spot for….

  • 10 Jump Ups & Squats on the Wall
  • 10 Single Leg up Squats and down
  • 15 Dips
  • 15 Incline Merkins
  • Rinse And repeat

While were executing the above exercise, All Star was begging us for some basketball. So..without further ado we moseyed over to the basketball court. For a little added warm up we did the inch worm across the court prior to shooting around.

When we got to the courts a few more young men showed up and joined us. The shoot around…we all lined up and took turns hitting a shot. The thang…you missed your shot, take a quick lap around the court.  Not surprising, there was more running than shots made.

Post the shoot around, we teamed up in teams of four. We had the young men captain the team and pick their squads.  Surprising, Charles Barkley, better known as Optimus, was picked. I’m not sure what these kids were doing but their loss meant my team would have the big man.

We played two games up to 5.  JuJu’s team went 2.0 and he hit the game winning shot of a 4-4 tie to win 5-4 and secure the championship.

We finished up with a quick mosey around the courts and circled up around the cooler filled with waters, oranges and popsicles.

At name-a-roma we named two new little FNGs.  Mix Match, who is maybe 6 years old and was rocking everything that that mixed it up a bit…mix match socks with flip flops but hit more jump shots than his entire team in game 1 (true story).

Benjamins…short for Kelvin Benjamin of the panthers.

  • Announcements:
  • CAH tubing trip next week.
  • Gutters & Gringos next week


  • Optimus buddy lost his engineering job. Prayers as he has two kids in college, one at a little known place called Stanford
  • Marriages…all marriages for continued support among our pax but extended to friends and family.
  • Continued support of the Paridise AO. There is a lot of opportunity in this community and we will make the impact God has intended us to make.

Change Order took us out..thank you!

It was an honor to lead this workout.

Out –


TClap |

Hot and Sweaty at The Fort

  • QIC: Bonsai and Lutefisk
  • When: 6/3/2017
  • Pax: Gernomio Cornhole Peabody airborne quack attack Dixie chicken little john atomic q jiffy iron bird sparkle FNG - butterbean nomad pitz fall guy Ginsu FNG - Charbroil lulu peah Lincoln log
  • Posted In: The Fort

When preparing for the workout I reached out to Lutefisk to see if he wanted to join me in Qing today’s workout.  He quickly responded back “yes”.  After about the first 10 minutes I was wishing I didn’t do that.  He brought some pain very quickly.  Also I have to admit I was thrown for a loop when 22 Pax showed up.  I was expecting around 10 and everything I had on the winkie was planned for that number.  This was a great problem to have and luckily there are plenty of things to do around WEP so I was able to improvise very easily.

Warm up:
Flutter Kicks
15 Krakken Burpees

The Thang:
With Partners
-Broken wheel barrow down and switch and come back
-Partner Derkins (100 cumulative)
– Bropee – (simultaneous burpee and high five your partner on the jump) 10
– Squerkin (P1 does merkin P2 does squat while holding P1’s feet) 20 each
Happy Jacks – SSH with 2 jump squats every 4 SSH (4)

Handed over to Bonsai to finish the rest of the workout

At this point during the exercise YHC pulled everyone together for a conversation regarding Faith and how it affects our lives.  Plus I needed a few minutes to catch my breath after the beatdown Lutefisk provided.

Next we moved over to the playground where we counted off (1-4).  Then we went through several rounds of exercises
1. swinging derkins
2. pull ups
3. Run to the statue and back – Rotate when group gets back from the statue
4. Plank jacks

Second Round:
1. feet in swing – knees to chest
2. squats
3. LBCs
4. Run to the statue and back – Rotate when group gets back from the statue

After the second round I realized it was only 7:34 and people were looking gased including myself!!  I quickly realized I needed to slow things down a bit to make sure I could make it through the next 26 minutes of the workout.  Its crazy how the summer humidity will make things a lot harder.

Next we all lined up along the playground facing the statue on the side of the hill and did twisting lung walk over to the path.  From there we did several different exercises that were still difficult, but things I felt could help slow the heart beat down.

Started off with American Hammers
Line up in 4 groups and do reverse bear crawl up to the statue and bear crawl back down.
More LBCs when everyone finished
Line up in 4 groups and relay sprint to the statue and back and tag next in line.  Repeat 2 times

Next we moved back over to the playground for another round:
1. swing tricep extensions
2. SSH
3  Hold plank
4. Run around playground – rotate once one lap is finished
5. Burpees – try for 10

After completing all of that we moved to COT where we named Butterbean and CharBroil.  Welcome gentlemen we are glad you came out and joined us.

It was a pleasure to lead the pax.

TClap |


  • QIC: Jiffy and Deacon
  • When: 5/20/17
  • Pax: McGyver, Ginus, Fridge, Dill Weed, Tesh, Peabody, Jiffy, Deacon
  • Posted In: The Fort

Today’s workout was like being in a sauna. A brave Pax of 8 put in work anyways. Jiffy almost wore us out during the warm up. We celebrated Peabody’s job promotion and prayed for the adoption that Ginsu is patiently working through. The workout went something like this…


Jiffy on Q

Mosey over to the parking lot on White Street for a quick warm up

SSH (20x), WM (10x), Low Slow Squats (10x), Mountain Climbers (10x), Merkins (10x)

Moseyed up the Massey St hill to the parking lot. Next used the 3 sections of parking as dividers for the following:
– Run to each divider and do 5 x burpees, Run back and do 10 x LBCs
– Then repeat but with 5 x Bomb Jacks and 10 Hello Dollies
– Then repeat with 5 x jump knee tuck and 10 x American hammers
– Switched up to alternate between running and bear crawls and did 10 x Carolina dry docks
– Went back with same thing but 10 x diamond merkins
– Last round with 10 x wide armed merkins and then headed back with 10 x old man sit-ups with just running and no bear crawls

Mosey to the hill and did a Jacobs Ladder up and down the hill with 5 burpees and bomb jacks.

Mosey to Memorial Park and discussed the true purpose of Memorial Day.


Deacon on Q


Mosey to the parking lot near Springs Global

  • Wall Merkins (10x)
  • Pull ups (10x)
  • Wall sits (10 count)
  • Extreme CDDs (5x)


Mosey to center of the field for more partner drills for 2 rounds. Big Boy Sit Ups (15x), Ski Jumps (15x), Clapping Merkins (15x), Partner Leg Lifts (15x)




Maturity is what happens when a man goes from being a consumer to being a contributor at home and in the community.Consumers wait for others to produce or cultivate things for their consumption.Contributors put in work and reap the fruits of their own labor.


When a man is an intentional contributor, he:

– Prepares meals for his wife instead of waiting at the dining table to be served.

– Goes to serves the Lord instead of only being a consumer of faith.

– Leads the Pax instead of being in the shadows of the background.


Where are you in your maturation process?


Be a contributor (HIM) instead of a consumer (sad clown).




TClap |

WEP- AKA Petri dish

  • QIC: Backdraft and Ginsu
  • When: 05/13/2017
  • Pax: Fridge, Double D, Jiffy, Peabody, McGuiver, Crabcakes, Santini, Little E, PItts, Quack Attack, Tesh, Pusher, Ginsu, Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Fort

Where to start. WEP and two Qs. What could be better on a great Saturday morning? YHC could not wait to get to this site. It was going to be a double Q with Ginsu. I knew he was going to bring it in his portion so YHC had to bring a little extra in his. We started in the parking lot with a bunch of chatter about  the grass at WEP was like a petri dish and that it had caused skin issues on some even the best dermatologist could not figure out. SO we gave the disclaimer and were off to the races.

We moseyed to the credit union for a warm up. 20 SSHs, 15 mountain climbers, 15 IWs, 15 flutter kicks, 10 windmills.

Mosey to flag pole. Pledge of Allegiance. 10 merkins, 10 Low slow squats, 10 LBCs.

Mosey to the hill. At top partner up. P1 at top of hill non stop flutters while P2 goes to bottom  10 SSHs and back up. flip flop. Round 2 merkins at top squat jumps at bottom. R3 mountain climbers P2 runs to end of parking lot and back.

Mosey to bottom of hill and to the wall. We all sit while starting at one end lunge walk till all goes. next set broad jumps, next set alligator push ups. Mosey to low walls 10 box jumps. Hand off to Ginsu.

Start with 20 in cadence Dips on wall turn over 1- derkins lets do 2 sets of those throw in 2 sets of 30 calf raises and 10 step up per leg on the same wall as well. (YHC did think maybe he should take back over cause this was getting tough).

Get into plank for superman’s with 5 merkins in between. Mind was getting a little hazy at this time so I think we did 4 sets of these.

Mosey to wall and do sets of muscle ups. Circle up for more merkins and LBCs.

Mosey to playground. Partner up P1 pull ups P2 sprints. two sets.

P1 dying cockroaches P2 run around perimeter of playground. two sets.

Mosey to COT a little Mary. Thanks Ginsu for the Invite to Share Q at this always awesome Venue.

Announcements- Bowling June 10, Cannoli run next Saturday. Next Friday meeting on Maturity at Eternal.

Prayers for moms and marriages.



TClap |

GORUCK Red Light and Blue 006 – August 18-19 – Pre-Blast

  • QIC: Team Spearhead
  • When: 08/18/17 - 08/19/17
  • Pax: Open To All Pax
  • Posted In: The Fort

August 18-19 Team Spearhead Charlotte hosts their next Red Light and Blue. This will be a GORUCK weekend filled with four events and the chance to earn five patches if you do all four events.

This event provides your chance to experience a GORUCK class at their entry level option as well as raise money and awareness for veterans in our area.

Here’s the schedule and more information will be updated directly on the Team Spearhead (Charlotte) Facebook page:

Friday August 18

Shooting Event – 07:00 – 13:00
Gambit (Scavenger) – 14:00 – 18:00
War Stories and Free Beer – 19:00

Saturday August 19

Red Light & Blue

Locations, pricing and registration to come.  HC below or ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Contact Team Spreadhead on Facebook for more information.

TClap |

#SaveTheSquatch – READ ALL OF THIS

  • QIC: Dark Helmet, Zima, CSPAN
  • When: 05/12/17
  • Pax: All Pax of The Fort Region
  • Posted In: The Fort

As has become the norm in my experience, the men of F3 have stepped up again to help a brother out. Zima and I have tallied the counts from across F3 Nation and by our math we have a new total. After Sasquatch (The Fort) unwittingly committed himself to 3,140 burpees, we all came to his aid.
The total burpees done so far for #SaveTheSquatch is 6,509. (Over 800 of which Sasquatch did by himself).
So, naturally, our goal isn’t met, we just move the stick out further. See, because we weren’t JUST doing these for Sasquatch, but we were also doing them for Cadre Danny’s 1,000,000 burpee challenge (see below).
So, the new modified goal is 10,000 burpees. Zima and I will tally the rest of the burpees that may come in this evening, and we’ll tweet it tomorrow before the workouts at The Swamp and at Slow Burn in The Fort. We want to ask everyone who does burpees tomorrow to please tweet your total burpees for your workout (total across all the Pax) and tag it on Twitter with #SaveTheSquatch. We want to hit 10,000 burpees tomorrow to donate. Why? Because we are clearly brain damaged, that’s why! And the fact is… you are too. That’s why you’re here and why you hang out with each other.
So here’s to us! The ones without enough sense to come in out of the rain… the ones who run with scissors… the ones who are menaces to the status quo… Do your burpees. Tag them on Twitter, and let’s do some good for unity and for Operation Enduring Warrior. AYE!


Don’t miss a Q. Sure… we all know that one. The lesson, though, in this situation is: DON’T PROMISE BURPEES AS YOUR OWN PUNISHMENT FOR MISSING YOUR Q.

But… sometimes we speak before we think, and once it’s in the Twitter aether… well… it has the potential to take on a life of its own. Sasquatch (Danny Witbeck – The Fort) missed on Monday May 08, and he felt bad about it. So he apologized… then he foolhardily promised that for every like he got on his apology post over the next 48 hours, he’d do 10 burpees…
Most of us spent the rest of the day checking in and watching the “Like” count rise like it was some sort of Jerry Lewis Telethon total, or maybe as though it were the stock price of a dotcom darling in the mid-nineties… (How high will this go…? Gosh, I never thought it would go this high…!)

*SIDE NOTE: As I write this, his total sits at 309 likes which, if you suck at math = 3,090 burpees*
That’s a lot of freaking burpees… Too many burpees for one man. Sasquatch is a beast, it’s true, but as Pax from across F3 Nation piled on the burpee count (Yes, I did “like” it from all 6 twitter accounts I have access to, why do you ask?), we felt it may be reasonable to pull Sasquatch out from beneath the crushing weight of burpees under which he placed himself. So, as his fellow Pax, for the sake of good karma when we may accidentally do something REALLY stupid and need the help of all our brothers, we are going to share in the burpee love and help Sasquatch get his burpees done.

Therefore (!), out of our love for Sasquatch and for Burpees, we are organizing a #SaveTheSquatch Burpee-vergence in the Fort on Friday May 12, 2017.

Here’s how it’ll work:
The Burpee-vergence will have 2 locations: Slow Burn (the Chick-Fil-A across from Baxter Village) and The Swamp (the Best Buy at Rivergate Shopping Center). Boot Camps will be going on in both places just like normal for those not inclined to share in the burpee love. For the rest of us, we are going to take the number of remaining burpees, split them among the willing Pax, do them together, then join the Boot Camp already in progress at both locations. (Or if you are at The Swamp with CSPAN on Q, there may already be a lot of burpees planned in the workout, so follow his lead). So, one more time, for the math-challenged: If 30 guys show to do burpees, we may each do 100 burpees… That’ll suck, so let’s show up in FORCE. We have a chance here to do some good, and have some hate, er… I mean, FUN! Let’s do it!

Additionally, as the guys who are part of GRT #2259are aware, these burpees can all go to support Cadre Daniel’s 1MM Burpee challenge, which supports Operation Enduring Warrior.

TClap |


  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 5/4/17
  • Pax: Cha Ching, Java, McGillis, Bonsai, Funky Bunch, Lil E, Man O War, Lincoln Log, Kudder, Lutefisk, Deacon, Training Wheels
  • Posted In: Laces In, The Fort

What a great way to start the National Day of Prayer! 12 Pax encouraged each other to get better. Man O’ War made a strong kotter come back. The weather was absolutely perfect for a sweat fest.


The Thang:


Mosey to the Founders Bank parking lot on 160

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Hill Billy Walkers (15x)


Mosey to the parking lot on top of the hill

Moderate Wind Sprints: Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karaoke, Shuffles

Jacob’s Ladder: Extreme LBCs, Merkins (10x)


Mosey to the curved parking lot along 160

Team Drills: Start at the ends of the driveway then run to the center for 10 Clapping Merkins and 5 Big Boy Sit Ups.


Mosey to COT




We discussed this month’s theme of spiritual maturity through analyzing our choices. Our choices reflect what is in our hearts and our level of maturity.

Each day, we can choose to be thankful (maturity) or to complain (immaturity). Christ started and centered His prayers with thanksgiving. We should too.

Complaints kill blessings (See Numbers 11: 1-2). If you constantly complain, you’ve got some maturing to do. Realize that all that you are given is a gift from God (including the breath in your lungs as you read this backblast).

If you tend to surround yourself with complainers, change your circle of friends.

Be thankful and surround yourself with Godly men to help with you grow spiritually.


TClap |