Block Party. Bringing the Heat

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 05/02/2017
  • Pax: Kielbasa, Man o War, Java, Cashflow, Old bay, Sauerkraut, Nomad, Sir topom hat, Cooter, Hee-haw, Crabcakes, Little E, Assassin, Backdraft
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

Where it all began… F3 Fort Mill and also my adventure into this brotherhood. it is always an honor to lead at any site but this place is special. Hard to believe it is over three years since F3 came into my life. Where would I be without the guys that I have come to rely on. Guys either going through the same things that I am going through or that have dealt with issues I am facing at this time. Man it is so much more than a workout…

We got it started as normal. Little mumble chatter and fist bumps.

Disclaimer and intro of the Q. Thanks to site Q for having me even though he was unable to attend.

Mosey to playground for a max set of pull ups.

Mosey to Credit union for warmup. 20 SSHs, 15 IWs, 15 Merkins, 15 peter parkers, 15 flutter kicks.

Discuss the F3 mission statement. To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Mosey to Veterans memorial. Pledge of Allegiance.

20 CDDs, 20 Mountain Climbers.

Mosey across the street to set of stairs. partner up. wheel barrow one partner up do 10 merkins, run down. Switch and repeat do two times.

mosey to hill. this is where the fun begins. sprint to the top do 15 CDDs run to bottom 10 flying squirrels. Repeat times 3.

Mosey to wall chair sits with multiple variations. This is your 10 count.

Mosey to planter boxes. 10 step ups or box jumps your choice. followed by 10 derkins. do this twice.

Mosey back to park where it began. Lets see how many pull ups you can do now?

COT. Announcements. Prayers and Praises.



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The Ranch.

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 04/27/2017
  • Pax: Bigglesworth, Ginsu, Dixie Chicken, Strait Up, Chicken Hawk, Flat Tire, Cooter, Assassin, Pusher, Sugar Bug, Jiffy, Shark Bait, Chicken Wing
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Ranch

Always an honor and a blast to Q. It is even better when you show up and more and more headlights keep appearing. We had a few moments to stand around and mumble before the pain began.

Like always nice disclaimer was given. Then we headed off to get this thing going take a lap around car pool line doing various dynamic stretches. Than a few knees to chest and hip flexor movements.

Circle up for 20 SSHs, 20 IWs, 20 Windmills, 20 peter parkers, 20 parker peters.

Mosey to small playground 3 sets of 10 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 10 various ab exercises.

Mosey to bleachers for 2 sets 10 step-ups each leg, 10 dips

Mosey to soccer fields stopping about every 150 yards for SSHs, merkins, mountain climbers

once at the soccer field we did suicides 4 stops followed by 10 burpees, and 1 ab exercise.

repeat 2 times except the next round was shuffle right and left on way out sprint back.


Announcements- Good luck to pax doing ruck, CAH,

Prayers- Family, marriages

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CC and DD take The Fort

  • QIC: Crab Cakes + Double D
  • When: 04/01/17
  • Pax: Jiffy, FNG/Dillweed, Javert, Quack Attack, MacGyver, Sea Ark, Mary Lou, Triumph, Bolt, Twister, Bonsai, Shady, Sauerkraut, Sugar Bug, Decibel
  • Posted In: The Fort

17 Pax posted to The Fort on a wonderful April Fool’s Day morning for their weekly Saturday downpainment.  This being the first Saturday post-P200, certain runners among the pax needed a refresher on the pain of what a boot camp feels like.  After welcoming an FNG EH’d by Jiffy and proclaiming the Disclaimer, Crab Cakes took the pax out for warm up.

The Thang

The longest warm up mosey in the history of The Fort took the pax all the way past the trash can near the parking lot when CC called for pax to circle up.

YHC’s fuzzy memory together with a desire to forget the obscene moves CC used for warmup mean this BB will have limited details of this portion.  Let’s just say that it warmed up the mumble chatter as much as it did the muscle and joints.  The tomatoes running the WEP loop (2 different groups) probably wish they missed this scene.

Run the trail out of the parking lot down to Harris Street Park.

Line up at the end of the basketball court.

Proceed through a series of suicides interspersed with resting walk back to other side of court.

Next up, merkins until Q calls “Go” and then sprint to other side of court and back (several series of these)

Handoff to Double D

Run lap around the park and ball field

Circle up around one half of the basketball court

Bear crawl around 1/2 of basketball court + series of merkins, CDDs, Moroccan night clubs (rinse & repeat)

Run lap around park and then pick  up trash

Circle up around 1/2 of basketball court

Lunge walk around 1/2 of basketball court + series of squats, monkey humpers (rinse & repeat)

Mosey to playground for series of jumps back & forth over the playground barrier — forward x10, left x10, right x10

Bombjacks x20 OYO

Run home via trail


Naked man moleskin

Sorry to miss Ginsu for this pain fest.  Thanks for booking CC and me on the calendar.  Keep up the good work leading from The Fort’s home base!

T-claps to Jiffy for the EH of Dillweed!  Great name too…be sure he keeps posting so he can get the full value of that handle.

Bolt wowed the pax with his version of Moroccan Night Clubs, which he has converted to a full body workout.

Thanks to all the pax for the enthusiasm and energy…always fun and rewarding time leading with CC.





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Fort Mill Care Center – F3 Lawn Care Service (Weekly)

Pax — We have an opportunity to serve those serving others via the FM Care Center. The past 2 summers, a number of us (and 2.0’s) have provided lawn service on Saturdays and they have asked us for help again.

The Thang:

FM Care Center
2760 Old Nation Rd.

Mow, weed, blow

Can use 2-3 guys each Saturday, typically at 0900, 60 minutes tops, bring cooler for 2nd F.




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BallRoom – Sun’s out Gun’s out

  • QIC: Bass-O-Matic
  • When: 04/18/17
  • Pax: Smithers, Rock Thrill, Gilmore, Change order, Hauschka, Craw daddy, Gopher, Newman, Deep dish, Culture Club, Beacon, Barry Manilow, MASH, Uncle Cracker, Moulder(FNG)
  • Posted In: The Fort

The morning started out with a grand entrance of Barry Manilow showing off his guns.  There were a few chiding comments before we moved into a brief disclaimer and stretching series while I compiled the Thang in my head.  Went off script from the winkie.  Being inspired by Barry gave me the great idea to find some coupons as we went off for a slowzy which is a slow mozey.  Message to the pax is we’re doing arms until we all look like Barry.

Warm-up: 15 SSH, 15 Windmills, 20 IW, 15 Mtn. Climbers, Yoga stretching for a few.

The Thang: 15 arm curls with coupon. Run up the hill and back.  15 tricep extensions with coupon. Run up the hill and back.  15 overhead presses with coupon. Repeat 3 times.  3rd set we only did 10 reps since we were all jacked by then.  Might have had a couple of 10 counts in there somewhere.

Mosey to the next parking lot to do legs.  25 squats, run the parking lot, 25 calf raises, run the parking lot, lunge walk the parking lot (thx Gopher).  Repeat 2x  Last round 15 CDD run the lot, 15 Dips run the lot.  Return to COT for a few minutes of Mary.

Thanks for the opportunity.  Bass-O-Matic out. <><


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Decathalon a la the Deep

  • QIC: ChaChing
  • When: 04/08/2017
  • Pax: Olaf, Lutefisk, Tater, Witch Hunt, DaVinci, Flea, Flux, Nemo, ChaChing
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

Had a beautiful morning to work out the Pax and the track was our focus for the day.  After a quick disclaimer we did a lap at the Elementary school and started the warmup:

side straddle hops x20 / low slow squats x10 / merkins x10 / shoulder taps x20 / plank sides / 6 inches / LBC’s x20 / Moroccan night club x20 / mountain climbers x20

The group immediately headed to the track because we had a full itinerary and not enough time.  The Pax quickly saw what was in store – a Decathlon for the ages:

The chalkboard resting along the fence stated the lineup – 800M, 400M, 200M, 100M, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put, Discus with the word PAIN written between each.  I informed them the PAIN would be a surprise immediately following each event, which would vary depending on how you finished the previous event.

  • First up – 800M.  I explained that this “race” isn’t a mosey, it’s a fast two laps, as fast as you can.  If we were 17 yrs old, we’d strive for 2 min, but now we’re pushing for 2 1/2 mins.  Still a stretch.
    – PAIN – 1st place / Last place does 10 Kracken Burpees (3 hand release merkins per burpee); the rest do 12 regular Burpees
  • 400M.  There was the reminder that this was a sprint, not a jog.  Again, the goal was that we were not in high school shape (I ran the 400M in high school) so we’d strive for 70 seconds.
    – PAIN – 1st place / Last place does 30 diamond merkins; the rest do 30 regular merkins
  • 200M – you get the idea.  Don’t be a wuss, you better hustle.
    – PAIN – 1st place / Last Place does 15 per side – side plank and then bring your top elbow down to your bottom knee; the rest do 30 toe touches
  • 100M – there may have been elbows thrown.
    – PAIN – 1st place / Last place did a diamond merkin / reg merkin pyramid set 8/7/6/5/4…; the rest did the same only reg merkin / diamond merkin pyramid (less diamonds overall).  Fun
  • Long Jump up next – all about distance covered on the football field.  5 different jumps for distance.  1st – one legged hop x10 left leg, 2nd – one legged hop x10 right leg, 3rd – broad jump x10, 4th – lateral jumps to your left x10, 5th – turn around, lateral jumps to your right x10.  Furthest distance covered wins.
    – PAIN – All enjoyed what I call the “Sea Lion Shuffle”.  Everyone lie on their side and then w/ your top hand, reach down to tap your top foot.  You look pretty silly.  x15 per side
  • Shot Put – special thanks to Zima for loaning his cinder blocks.  Bigger thanks to the school for allowing us to offer up free aerating on the football field.  Each guy picked up their block, swung it between their legs (think kettlebell swing) and launched it as far as possible using hips and arms/shoulders/legs.  x10, going for distance covered.
    – PAIN – bicep curls w/ cinder block x30
  • Discus – same thing here, only more like a wood chopper.  Swing that bad boy left to right and launch using the same muscles but holy crap it hurts the obliques. x10 alternating sides
    – PAIN – uneven block merkins 10 per side (one hand on block, one on ground – do a merkin, then walk your hands over so that the opposite hand is on the block and do another merkin.  That’s 1.  x10)
  • High Jump – went outside the track for a bleacher bench and did box jumps x20
    – PAIN – talk about looking like complete clowns.  It’s what I call the “Toddler Roll”.  Laying on your stomach in the grass (works better on pavement), lift your hands and feet so that neither are touching the ground.  Proceed to roll onto your back and then back onto your stomach without ever touching the ground w/ your hands/feet.  That’s 1.  Roll back the opposite way.  x10.  I’m pretty sure most of us got stuck trying to turn over after rep #4 (picture a turtle on his back).

Headed back to COT to close it out w/ a message that came to me driving into work Friday morning the day before.  Randomly a Garth Brooks song came on my iPhone titled “Standing Outside the Fire”.  Now it’s totally meant as a love song, but the lyrics struck me as very applicable to the F3 mission.  Specifically – “Life is not tried, it is merely survived, if you’re standing outside the fire”.  We can take 2 paths – 1) what I refer to as the path most of us took pre-F3, where we’re merely surviving, we’re not stepping outside of our comfort zone, we do what’s convenient, what we’re used to, how can I limit my stress.  Compare this to path #2) step in, take a chance, get out of your comfort zone to make an impact on your community, at church, via F3, or say an Easter outreach.  I challenged the Pax to not take the easy path, because who is looking to only survive.  Live for impact – that fire might burn you from time to time, but man you’ll be glad you tried something different and influenced something or someone for the betterment of all.

Thanks to Royale for letting me Q (even though he was there in spirit – we’ll do this one again).  Always a pleasure out at the Deep.


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Easter Party in Paradise

  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 4/1/17
  • Pax: Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Indian Land Pax
  • Posted In: The Fort

Click here to view pictures from the event

I’ve had a range of emotions since the Easter Party in Paradise ended but I mainly feel grateful. Grateful to be part of a community of High Impact Men who continually chose initiative over passivity. Grateful to assist God’s victory through our Easter Party. Our efforts in hosting the event were like passing God the ball and witnessing His 3-point glory shot seconds before the buzzer. #Swish


Paradise is Fort Mill’s predominantly black neighborhood that has a rising poverty level. Our Easter Party will gather people of diverse racial and economic backgrounds to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Hours before the Easter Party, the evil one tried to discourage the event in more ways than I can explain. He looked into the future and saw the blessings that God planned for our time with community, so he threw hurdles at us. In the middle of the evil’s plot, God kept whispering “I’ve ordained this event to unite my people. I will provide the needed provisions and protection, so keep going.”


We answered His calling. I arrived at Steele Street Park at 2 PM for set up and saw shovel flags flying, dozens of HIMs hustling to get things done. More HIMs arrived with purpose saying “Let’s get to work.” HIMs set up the egg hunting areas, hung banners, put party music in rotation and set up areas for the food and face painting. Some of the children from the community helped to set up for the party. Their involvement in setting up the event positively impacted everyone. Within no time, the park was set up and completely decorated with an Easter theme.


People from the community started to arrive at 3 PM. Within minutes, the parking lot was more than full with hundreds of children and their families in attendance. It was great to see people from all walks of life gather together and have amazing fellowship. People from diverse economic and religious backgrounds came to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. Black, white, Asian and Hispanic families were in attendance. We were laser-focused on Paradise so our signs were posted in that community only. However, we were blessed with families who attended from the greater Fort Mill area, Rock Hill, Lancaster and Indian Land. That shows God’s reach because our 10 posters and 50 signs in Paradise, alone, could not attract attendees from such a large area.


An hour after the 3K eggs, 30 pizzas, 100 baskets, 10 bunnies and mountains of cupcakes and face paint were gone, the community stayed for continued fellowship which made the Pax feel right at home. It was powerful to see such a diverse group of people together smiling, laughing and showing each other love in one event as one community.


Several families expressed their appreciation for you all hosting the event. One mom said “those F3 men are good people who are authentic.” The children asked “when is F3 coming back?” A twenty something year-old said, “I want to be with the men of F3, they can show me how to rise above poverty.” As I gathered myself, emotionally, I told them that we’ll return soon to be in community with them and to support their escape from poverty.


We had great fellowship with several black men in the community. More than a handful of the local men expressed an interest in joining F3. We are having discussions with Bolt about the soft-launch of our workouts in Paradise. Several HIMs like WhatDid and TPS are following up with their EHs from the event. A young man named Reed will post at The Armory with YHC tomorrow. Having Chicken Hawk on Q for that workout puts the perfect bow on that blessing.


There are countless HIMs to thank for the success of our Easter Party In Paradise. They provided pre-filled eggs, showed up early for event setup, stayed later for clean up, staged eggs, painted children’s faces, played music, EH’d possible FNGs, hung flyers, gathered and gave out food and made reservations for the bunnies.


Several HIMs were overjoyed after the event and did not want end our fellowship with the community (including YHC). Seeing HIMs loving on all of God’s people groups made it obvious that our work in the community is not done. It became clear that this event was not a service project, it was a catalyst to something bigger. We are brainstorming other ideas to further our engagement, fellowship and impact with the community. Please send me your ideas on ways we can impact the people of our greater community. Stay tuned for pre-blasts regarding future opportunities to stay involved in these life-changing efforts.




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Laces out trip to Brayden

  • QIC: Hi-Hat
  • When: 03/16/17
  • Pax: Blades, MacGuyver, Skate Or Die, MP, Boeheim, Old Bay, Airborne, Hi-Hat
  • Posted In: Laces Out, The Fort

8 PAX showed up for a running route down 160 combined with some speed work in the Brayden neighborhood.

The Route:

We left FMHS and headed down Munn Rd, left on Kingsley, and left on 160. Blades and MacGuyver turned on the afterburn after that and were little specks on everyone’s radar. After a couple miles we turned right onto Brayden Blvd. It’s about a quarter mile downhill to the end of the street, so we did hill repeats up and down the street. We got about 2 or 3 in and headed back.

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Thawing the Freeze with The Ring of Fire

  • When: 3/15/2017
  • Pax: Witch Hunt, Bones, Cornerstone, Flea, Vinny, and NASA
  • Posted In: Abyss, The Fort

Wow. What a COLD morning. A few weeks ago I thought the weatherpeople of the US were way off and that Punxsutawney Phil had cataracts. No way we  were getting 6 more weeks of winter weather. Then Snowmageddon 2017 part 2 happened, and this morning gave me better perspective and more respect for those who forecast the weather. Six brave PAX showed up and gave testament to one of our 5 core principles – outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold. Kudos to them! Vinny even came out a little early. It was GREAT to see him, and thank you Vinny for the huge bear hug. We missed you bro.

We rounded up the posse, no FNGs unfortunately, the disclaimer was disclaimed, and  off we went…..

A good run all around the school parking lot for a good 5 or so minutes to get the heart rate up and body warming. Then to the side of the school for COP:

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 WM
  • 15 IW
  • 15 Hillbilly Walkers (HW)
  • 20 MC
  • 20 Peter Parkers
  • Honeymooner, Downward Dog
  • 20 Moroccan NC

Now that we were finally warmed up…..much needed…..then a light jog over to the back school bus lot/basketball courts for the thang.

Ring of Fire

8 cones set up in a somewhat of a circle (even as OCD as I am, it was off a little). Each circle has some item of pain on it. Each PAX picked a cone to start on. Cone pain points (in no particular order):

  • LBCs
  • IW
  • CDD
  • Merkins
  • Flutters
  • LSS
  • Plank Jacks
  • Calf Raises

We started the ROF with 5 burpees OYO, then 1 minute or so of each exercise AMRAP. Then lunge walk to the next cone. Once the PAX returned to the cone they started on, we ran a loop around the entire parking lot. Then rinse and repeat starting with burpees, then so on. Everyone managed to get 2 cycles completed. Excellent work fellas!!

We had a few minutes left, so we found a wall and did some peoples chairs for about 30 seconds. Then to the COT.


  • We collected 156 Easter eggs for this weekend!!
  • Read your newsletter and get out there to make an impact!
  • Children’s Attention Home “Guidance” workout this Saturday 3/18, 4pm. CSPAN is on Q. It is gonna be awesome!
  • April 22 – Coinvergence at the Deep to celebrate its anniversary. Woo hoo!
  • Signups start this Friday 3/17 for F3 Dads Camp (Aug 11-13). That is guaranteed to be a good time. Sign up!
  • F3 Dads game at Charlotte Knights baseball coming up on Friday of Memorial Day weekend. Vinny and DaVinci already have tickets in section HR5, Let’s join them.
  • 5K Leprechaun Leap in Clover this Saturday 3/18 @ 9am, hosted by Clover branch YMCA. Benefits go towards YMCA’s Programs for Special Needs Children & Adults.
  • P200 is almost here…….so stoked!!
  • Ragnar is coming up
  • Mudrun is coming up

Prayers and Praises:

  • Prayers to Our Lord for all his blessings, and for his Son our Savior.
  • Prayers to Royale, his Dad, and his family with the struggles they are going for
  • Prayers to Brick House who is going to meet his Dad after a long, long time apart
  • Prayers to Cornerstone and his lovely little princess. She is a strong little lady!
  • Prayers to all the PAX dealing with marriage issues as mentioned yesterday at Golden Corral, and any not mentioned.
  • Prayers to all the PAX out there, whether it’s been said or unsaid, who are going through various struggles in their lives.
  • Prayers/Praises that all PAX are blessed with the strength, discipline, courage, and wisdom to help those in need. Sometimes all it takes is being there for people, offering them your listening ears.
  • Praises for all PAX who are pushing themselves and others through the gloom, those trying to better themselves, those who are trying to make an impact in others’ lives. Keep it up!
  • Praises for the 6 PAX who braved the cold and got out of the fartsack today.

Each of the PAX pushed themselves today, forging physical and mental strength, and encouraged each other while doing so. We are all in it together as one united force to improve ourselves and positively impact others we see in our daily lives. It is a commitment we make to ourselves and others to become leaders, HIMs. This is part of what F3 is about, and what I have become hooked on. You cannot find this in any gym. The brotherhood we have out in the gloom is what makes us all come out on “what the heck are you doing out there” weather days.

To each of you who showed up today in the gloom, and for those who could not – keep pushing yourselves, keep pushing each other, keep making positive impacts, and thank you for being you. Iron sharpens iron, and we all are getting sharper day by day. Keep up the great work.

With Thanks and Praise,



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W.O.R.K. at the Poopdeck

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 03/09/17
  • Pax: Austin Powers, Wild Thing, Snooki, Flea, Brick House, Dark Helmet (QIC)
  • Posted In: Poopdeck, The Fort

Work is all around us… Dredd gave us some strong words on Mammon this week and it made me think of my relationship with my work… The work I do in the world for sustenance, the work I do in my home with my Shorties, the work that I do in the Gloom with my brothers, the work that I do in my house of Faith. Against what am I measuring myself in these various aspects of work? To what standard am I holding myself? Of whom am I asking for help, and to whom am I turning for accountability? There are a lot of things we could talk about with each of those questions, but in each place there are those to whom I must turn to give an objective accounting of my work. It is the intention of the Creator to have us work, but if I work in my own echo chamber and become a law unto myself, my efforts will fail. I know it firsthand… Ask me about the last 18 months of my life sometime… When my feet need to be held to the fire at home, I have my M and my Shorties… At work I have a very sharp Ops Man and my other employees who don’t let me get in my own way… In the Gloom, I have my Shield Lock and the PAX… So today at The Poopdeck… we WORKed.

W – WMD = Wide Arm, Regular, Diamond x 10
O – One-legged Burpees x 10 (each leg)
R – Red Barchetta
• 100 yd dash, 100 SSH
• 75 yd dash, 75 Mtn Climbers
• 50 yd dash, 50 LBCs
• 25 yd dash, 25 Merkins
• 10 yd dash, 10 burpees
K – Kicks, Donkey x 5

W – Weezy Jefferson x 20
O – Outlaw x 10 each direction
R – Rosalita x 20
K – Kicks, Flutter x 30

W – Wall-o-rama – BTTW until you drop, then people’s chair while each pax takes turn doing 5 merkins
O – Ollie Norths (Partner Carry down and back, switch x repeato)
R – Run (back to the flag)
K – Kraken Burpees x 3



We worked hard today…  Grateful for all I have and for all you people do for me, but more importantly for each other. It’s inspiring.

Helmet, out.



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