Para Sports at the Yard

The Thang:

Mosey to Black Top Area:  IW x15, MC x15, Peter Parker x15, Parker Peter x15, Windmill x10, Merkins x10

Mosey to small parking lot:  Bear Crawl 5 spaces- 5 burpees, Crab Walk 5 spaces 5 burpees, Crawl Bear 5 spaces 5 Bomb Jacks.  Lunge Walk 5 spaces- 5 Bomb Jacks,. Bunny Hop 5 spaces- bomb jacks and lunge 5 spaces bomb jacks

Mosey to benches:

20 dips and 10 urkins, Rinse and Repeat x2

Para Sports:

1 man does a lap in a wheelchair basketball chair while others do mary exercise he called.  x10

Dora 1,2,3- CDD, Squats and LBC

Thanks for having me J Cruise and the gang.  Definitely make it a point to get to AOs that you do not normally go to.


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