Simple And to the Point. Armory.

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 11/28/2016
  • Pax: Ginsu, Bass a Matic, Gridlock, TPS, Tesh, Zimmern, The Librarian, Geronimo, Bounce House, Lug Nut, Change Order, Spitz, Trucker, Backdraft.
  • Posted In: The Armory

Today started better than expected. Woke up just prior to my alarm going off. Was ready and motivated to Q at the Armory. Since temps have started falling YHC was unsure of the amount of PAXs that may attend this awesome AO. The closer and closer to the go time it got the more and more exited the warmth of the cars and we got this thing started.

First off Disclaimer. I nor F3 are responsible for what may happen to you.

Second lets mosey to get warmed up. While moseying we threw in some butt kickers, karaoke facing church, karaoke away from church, high knees, shuffle right and shuffle left.

Circle up. SSH x10, windmills x 10, IW’s X 10, CDD x 10, parker peters x 10, mountain climbers x 10

Now let the fun begin… Grab your bell.

We completed the next group of sets performing the first exercise doing 25 reps than the second doing 5. than 20 and 10, than 15 and 15, 10 and 20, 5 and 25. Ab work was performed when all sets were completed before the next two exercises were started.

  1. Kettlebell Squats/ Merkins
  2. KB Swings/ Skull Crushers
  3. Left arm curl/ right arm curl
  4. military press/ lunge with right leg going forward
  5. chest press/ lunge with left leg going forward

In-between the abs were worked doing the following. LBC’s, Grave diggers right side, grave diggers left side, flutter kicks, and Freddie mercury’s.

That was all.

Quick talk about what the monthly word meant to Spitz.

announcements, praises and prayers.

Backdraft out…


TClap |

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