New Vision for Children’s Attention Home

  • QIC: Reborn/Chicken Hawk/Smiley Face
  • When: 01/28/17
  • Pax: All Fort and Rock regional PAX, and others from surrounding regions that have a passion for the CAH.
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Beginning this month we will begin building upon the work that has already been faithfully started by other PAX at the Children’s Attention Home in Rock Hill, SC. The vision has been changed to plant, grow, and serve a small workout group to invigorate male leadership within the Children’s Attention Home.

A traditional F3 workout will be performed each time we visit with the young males (12+) living at the home to create an environment of male leadership within the home that will impact others within the home and the community.

FiA Nation has stepped up to begin working with the young ladies to allow for our regions to focus solely on the young men.

We will be holding a Meet & Greet time on Jan. 28, 2017 at 1600 to allow for us to meet the young men and begin forming relationships with them. Workouts will then begin on Feb. 11, 2017 at 1600 and will occur every two weeks depending on the CAH calendar. We will be able to use the areas around the home which include Winthop University lake, the field at First Christian Church, and the CAH grounds themselves. The workout will be renamed at the first workout from Justice League to a name that is meaningful to the young men with the theme of The Fort and The Patriot.

Workout Q’s will be responsible for the following: Explaining F3 and giving the disclaimer at the beginning of each workout; Leading the 45-min. workout (be aware of the physical abilities of the young men and adjust accordingly); Hold a short devotion incorporating the Monthly Theme that our regions are using; Naming any FNG’s and inserting; Write a BackBlast; and marketing of the workout to build interest throughout the regions.

We will continue to support CAH by holding off-site events, grounds support, and goods drives. These will not be on a regular schedule, but will be marketed throughout the regions so all are aware of them.

Remember: Photos and videos are not allowed during any of the events we hold for the Children’s Attention Home for security purposes.

We are currently praying for a PAX who has a passion for the work of CAH to step up and be the Site Q for the workout sessions. This will involve the same roles as a Site Q for all other F3 workouts. If interested contact Reborn, Smiley Face, or Chicken Hawk.

Thank you all for the support you have provided in the past and we look forward to this new venture at the Children’s Attention Home. Please be praying that God will bless our efforts there so that we can build up young males that will one day be leaders in the community and beyond.

For directions see the link:

TClap |

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