A Res-Q for Birdcage, at the Coop.

Res-Q: When a Pax is down (IR, or emergency DR trip, or whatever) and another Pax meets the call for help and jumps in last minute to Q for him.

Birdcage thought it would be a great idea to play soccer (futból) on Saturday with his co-workers. Soccer is a smaller, more nimble man’s game as it turns out, and he jacked up his knee/ankle, so he reached out and I took the Q. It’s been a while, but it’s like riding a bike… a painful, burpee and pull-up filled bike… That’s a terrible bike. You shouldn’t buy it. It’s probably very expensive for one thing, and why would you want a bike that caused you that much pain? Plus, no WAY are you winning that sprint triathlon you signed up for with a bike like that… It’s basically useless… you’re an idiot.

0515, disclaimer, then off we go…
Warm it up Kris… I’m about to…
Circle around the main lot to the Band Practice Field
– Windmills x 10
– IW x 10
Cross the band practice field and weave around the drop off lane to the roundabout
– Richard Simmons x 15
– Moroccan Nightclubs x 15
Mosey to back parking lot
– Merkins x 20
– CDD x 20
Mosey to behind dumpsters
– Squats x 25
– SSH x 25
Mosey to pull-up bars, and now the fun begins… (that was a mile, btw)
Partner up, size always matters.
There will be an exercise at the top and at the bottom of the hill. There will be a different method of travel up the hill each time.

– Each partner does 15 pull-ups (if one is waiting, it’s people’s chair)
– Run down the hill
– 30 Flutters (partner cadence)
– Wheelbarrow back up the hill (switch as needed)
– Each partner does 15 idiot partner pull-ups*
– Run down the hill
– Rosalita x 20 (partner cadence)
– Wheelbarrow up (switch as needed)
– Each partner does 10 burpee pull-ups (if one is waiting, it’s people’s chair)
– Run down the hill
– LBCs x 20 (partner cadence)
– Bear crawl up the hill
– Each partner does 15 idiot partner pull-ups or 10 negative pull-ups
– Run down the hill
– Dying Cockroach x 15 (partner cadence)
– Backwards bear crawl up the hill (or just run if we are too smoked)

Then we did a little Mary by the pull-up bars until it was time for an all-out sprint back to COT.

As always, it was a pleasure to lead. I’ve started ending all my Q’s with an AYG back to COT. Bones (Tunis Hunt from LKW) quoted someone as saying, “When your mind thinks you are done, you have 40% left (or you are only 40% done, or something like that). The point is, all of the times that you think that you just can’t hold on anymore, you can’t push any further, you can’t withstand any longer, the fact of the matter is, there is more in the tank. Make it happen out there, men…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

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