Pantheon of Pain – The “Gam Guillotine” – Redux

This BB is going to be easy, at least for the workout part for in honor the Q of my first workout – Jekyll – I decided to recreate his Q nearly verbatim. With the help of Gears I was able to find his original back blast. This is yet ANOTHER reason to do these things!! (You’re welcome Funhouse)

Pantheon of Pain- the “Gam Guillotine”

15-20 of the following
SSH, Squat, Calf Raise, lunge, Apolo Oh- No, Good Mornings, IW, and some other leg stuff.

The Thang:

Mosey to the grass field park near Trailhead park, to the trail that leads up to the dreaded power lines and Heart Attack Hill.

Run the Camelback.  5 squat on southend , 5 jump squat on Northend.  1 round is up and back. 5 rounds total.

Lungewalked 1/2 way, crabwalk 1/2 way.  backward  walk up hill.

Run Camelback: 5 air squat, 5 Mary Catherines, 5 rounds (includes extra hill)

To Memorial Gardens. Bearcrawls and lungewalks around the flag

Pledge of Allegiance

Back for COT.

>> It was just as horrible today as it was 3 years ago, even though I am in much better shape now. As we were progressing through it, myself, Mr T, and Fishsticks started to remember some of the details of that day. It was just as humid, but slightly hotter. Mumblechatter was epic. And it hurt ALOT back then. I remember almost passing out on round 8 of the hill.

Wednesday June 29, 2016

That was the day my F3 journey all began. That’s the day I started transforming into a better person, in many ways, than what I was before.

My good friends Mr T and Qwerty were working on me for a few months to come out to try this thing they called F3. I just got over a major surgery where I was out of action for a while, which really put me in a bad place mentally and physically. They knew I was down and out. They were there for me. It’s awesome they said. You are very active, and it’s a great FREE workout they said. You’ll meet some great people they said, maybe even develop more friendships they said. And it will help you become a better man they said. Seriously? All this I thought was just another phony sales pitch from another Ponzi scheme, another get ripped quick scheme or something. for usually if it sounds too good to be true then usually it is.  I kept making excuse after excuse, but they were consistent in trying to motivate me to try it. Just once they said, and we will stop.

After a lot of constant yet polite and respectful nagging from them, I decided to throw caution to the wind and say WTF. One super hot and muggy summer morning Mr T came by and picked me up in that awful-WTF-early time, and off we went. (btw – I committed to do this a week or so earlier but had trouble waking that dang early). I met up with a bunch of fellas I had no idea who they were, what kind of people they were. Then one of them asked us to do all kinds of weirdly painful exercises. Running up a stupidly steep hill in the dark, no lights. Walking on my hands and feet (??!!). Introducing me to this God-awful exercise called a Good Morning (burpee). After a while I was expecting some frat house hazing to be honest, so I was a little on guard. But I kept going along, for the conversations during this was pretty dang good. Rather I was just listening, I could not talk – no breath to do so. Then we circle around an American flag in a park and say the Pledge of Allegiance. That was flat out inspiring. Next thing I knew it was over and I was on a rush. Then we sealed it with some open conversation and then a prayer. Wow.

The rest is now prologue to a wonderful set of chapters added to the ongoing book of my life that everyone I’ve met through F3 has helped write, the solid foundation that my future can build upon.  Looking back now, boy were they right. I cannot thank Mr T, as well as Qwerty who was assistant EH, ever enough. I can only keep trying to do for them what they have done for me.

Thanks to everyone I’ve met along the way. Your push, pull, inspiration, support, wisdom, accountability, leadership, motivation, and more has been truly transformational for me.

Love y’all. God bless.

TClap |

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