VQ For Bowser At Milkshake!

Today the sun came up again.  The birds  were back and singing.  The world continued to turn.  And then Milkshake was back as well.

Despite the unrest this week due to the Corona Virus, F3 was on and Milkshake was no exception.  I received a text from Shady yesterday asking if I wanted to reopen Milkshake, and I said absolutely.

What I didn’t know is that this morning would be a special one.  Overnight Uhaul told me he had been coaching his 2.0 Bowser to call cadence on his own.   So I planned to let Bowser lead his first exercise, in cadence.

First time I offered, no dice.  Second, the same. Third time was the charm and after some prodding all the Pax counted cadence with Bowser until he got his footing.

Well done Bowser!  You did something that many grown men refuse to do!  I’m expecting great things from you in the future!  Keep EHing your friends and keep posting buddy.

So besides the VQ of sorts, we roamed around the peach fields (on the sidewalk) and did a few exercises and some walking and some more exercises.  We didn’t touch each other (probably always wise) or benches or whatever, just in case but we still got a decent workout in at low impact/intensity.

Thanks for coming out for an impromptu Q as Milkshake was closed until the Mike Doty race was postponed.

Keep calm and carry on.

The Thrill is gone!

TClap |

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