The Train Arrived Early……therefore PAX we’re fashionably late

7 PAX gathered (eventually) to take the DRP in the gloom.  It was foggy and a bit humid.  PAX gathered at the shovel flag thanks to the work of Shatner (HIM).

At 0515, Anchorman and Barry Manilow promptly moseyed off for a jog (soft J) while 3 of us remained.  The train passed through downtown a bit early and was a potential culprit to hold up a few PAX (or so I had guessed).  Instead of immediately moseying off (which was the plan), YHC audibled to remain stationary for COP (for the time being).  After a few minutes of warm up exercises and the train clearing downtown, 0517 saw two PAX roll in hot.  Destiny and Boogie Down joined us in the middle of Imperial Walkers.  Once those were complete, we sauntered off down the hill for some more warm up exercises and a few Broga poses (but just a few).  From there, YHC called for a mosey up Monroe White Street to the Comporium lot – 1/4 mile later, PAX were a bit winded and we took a pause, recited the pledge with a bit of shortness of breath.  From there, it was on to the main event – 4 Corner Century Club

PAX were to perform 4 sets of exercises OYO at each designated cone in downtown Fort Mill – running between each station.   The exercises and locations were as follows:

Cone #1 – Pumpkin Patch at St. John’s UMC

25 SSH’s , 25 Squats, 25 Merkins, 25 Mountain Climbers

Cone #2 – Kimbrell’s Furniture Parking Lot

25 American Hammers, 25 Seal Jacks, 25 Werkins, 25 Plank Jacks

Cone #3 – Parking lot behind Amor Artis (some PAX found the shortcut behind Kimbrell’s (modify as needed) as an alternative to Main Street and Confederate.

25 Big Boy Sit Ups, 25 Lunges, 25 Diamond Merkins, 25 Peter Parkers

Cone #4 – Footloose Parking Lot – PAX were glad to see this cone there and not some where else downtown.

25 LBC’s, 25 Squats, 25 Incline Merkins on the curb, 25 Parker Peters

PAX got through 2 rounds just in time to hustle to COT at 0600.  Great effort was put in by all.

Announcements – Travis Manion WOD on 11-21; Cobra Kai has details.  Christmas Party is happening with limited capacity.  Details forthcoming.

Prayers were offered up for mental health and Praises were given for the men of F3 and the guardrails we are to one another in helping keep us on the right path.

My thanks and gratitude go out to the PAX who chose to do the hard thing this morning, rise early, and get better as well as to Boss Hogg for the opportunity to Q.  It is always a privilege to lead and serve.  Thank you, men!!

Until next time,


TClap |

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