Meat and Potatoes

YHC had the privilege to have the last Q of Fire Ant before the AO moves and is rebranded as “Currahee.” Plenty of good memories at FA, but Currahee will not disappoint with the new 0500 start time. 

Wegmans and YHC took a clown car to meet up with Repeat for an 0445 pre-ruck. Apparently pre rucking is the thing to do… as IT/Divac and Maximus/Olaf were also getting after it prior to our launch. 

We circled back to the shovel flag and the PAX were arriving in full force. Maximus knows how to bring the crowds for his Golden Corral Q. A few PAX decided to join YHC for the ruck portion. 

Maximus eloquently disclaimed the disclaimer, and we parted ways. 


Quick Warm Up Ruck/Shuffle to the YMCA Field

YHC started moving some tires around and Bonsai yells out “those tires have COVID.” Fortunately the intent was to use them as distance markers… nice try there Bonsai, but I ain’t no spring chicken. 


Iteration 1:

“Mosher” – 4 Rounds 

14 Ruck (Front Rack Position) Front Squats

25ft Lunge Walk w/ OH Hold

14 Strict Press

25f Bear Crawl w/ Ruck Drag

Plank hold w/feet on tire while the 6 finishes up


Iteration 2:

“Time Fuse”

50 Ruck Get Ups

50 Ruck Curls

50 Ruck Squats (Ruck On)

50 Ruck Swings

*Stop and perform 3 ruck burpees every 2 minutes.

YHC had an interval timer and was happy to announce the burpees every two minutes. The rain really picked up about halfway through this iteration. Thanks to Bonsai’s request – we remained slightly dryer by working out on the high ground in the field. Slightly…

Start heading back to COT via Lake Vista Blvd 


Iteration 3:


P1 Farmer Carry both rucks, P2 perform 10 Merkins. Chase, flap jack. 

Proceed to BoA ATM – Perform 10 Ruck Merkins together.

Shuffle back to COT – 4 minutes remain.


Iteration 4:


End with 5’s (the younger cousin of 7’s) of Burpees/Manmakers in front of Bubbles N’ Bows 

Complete. What a doozy! At this point everywhere on the ground was a puddle. There was no “damp” pavement. We were drenched. Felt like a kid again.



Dam to Damn Bar this weekend! Hit up Alcatraz to double down!

The Yeti is waiting for you to sign up. First weekend in March.



Praise for words of wisdom and the opportunity to learn from Pax who have gone before us in our current stages.

Prayers and praise for Splinter’s recovery after donating a kidney to a friend.

Prayers for those unspoken things that sit so deep in our hearts.


Divac, thanks for the nod – looking forward to embracing the suck at Currahee!

Punch list out.

TClap |

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