As always, I’m delighted to be the substi-Q for pretty much any AO, and when Pothole reached out, and I needed the extra kick in the pants to post on a Friday (it’s been getting difficult to drag my arse outta the FS), it made perfect sense.

I’m surprised to see that I’m the last BB writer for the Swamp was YHC when I picked up a Q last minute in early March… And before that… October.  And because there were so few people back in March, I decided to reuse the workout depending on which PAX were in attendance.

The gloom

I arrived a few minutes early and Grassy Knoll had already planted the Abyss flag in the grass-covered bedrock median (very knoll, like, upon reflection).

It quickly became apparent that no other PAX had the guts to show up (mostly due to spring break, I’m sure it had nothing to do with the little bit of rain and lightning that passed through before 0430), and Grassy and I chatted about some stuff. He mentioned that he was doing a Mud Run tomorrow, so I knew ruining his arms would be a disservice.


Moseys ARE warmups. We headed SE past that fast food place and that rave boxing place turning towards Target in front of Old Navy.

the thang

First, burpeecides. Run to each red ball and back, one burpee for each ball, all the way up to 9 burpees.  After it was over, YHC realized that maybe some stretching in the warmup might have been nice and we took 20s to stretch the calves.

Then mosey NW, turning NE through the road that goes by the smelly soap building, and stop at the SE side of the fountain, where the stairs are ( YHC has updated his compass points since the last Q).

11’s here.
1 BBSU, around the NE round-a-bout and 10 derkins on the benches. Around the SW roundabout and back for 2 BBSU.

We completed 7 rounds


Some chat about how things are going in each other’s homes. Prayers of thanks and for Grassy’s coworker, Jason.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Low attendance doesn’t mean low intensity.

I know GK can outrun me most days, but when there’s two PAX it’s a lot more fun to stay together.  There was some great mumblechatter, but when compared to my performance on basically the same circuit last time I was out here (and we You v You on the 11’s), YHC ran an extra .23 miles, and burned an extra 60 calories (estimated).  All while keeping up a conversation.

Always a pleasure to lead a Q.


TClap |

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