Q School – Snake Pit (kettlebell/gear edition)

9 PAX for some Q school

Esso hit on the 5 core principles that every F3 workout shares.
Then YHC took over


We reviewed counting in cadence
– Next exercise is:
– Starting positions MOVE
– In cadence:
– EXERCISE, 1, 2, 3….

Then we had some PAX work on counting in cadence with various exercises. We worked it like an actor on stage calling for their lines. I fed them the 4 lines and they took off. Occasionally we adjusted for some correction or pointers, but these PAX can lead!

We had folks count: SSH and Merkins more than once (gotta practice). Then I encouraged them to learn to call 6-count Burpees in cadence for when they need to quiet the mumblechatter down.

Then we moved over to the Thang:
Written on the pavement was:
Overhead Press
Tricep Extension
Merkin on the bell
Skull Crusher
Lawnmover pulls

Initially I discussed the importance of having a list of exercises (weinke) written down to rely on. Doens’t have to be on the ground. Could be on a piece cardboard, index card in your pocket, back of a 12 pack, or sharpie on your arm: it is helpful to have your notes with you.

The first set we did 10 of each then planked up for a discussion.
Then we did 10 more of each and planked back up. When you’re actively resting between sets in a plank, it’s often a good time to share a message. F3 has THREE Fs!! If you’re just working to accelerate the 1st F, use the opportunity to Q as a moment to reflect and share how you’re doing on the other 2Fs. Think about 2nd F with your family, or your 3rd F as where you are on your faith journey.

In the gloom, PAX can see how fit you’re getting. But how fit are you to be a father, spouse, partner, friend, son, colleague, boss, communicator, facilitator, supporter…? How fit is your mind and spirit? How are you working to accelerate there? Be encouraged to bring some message, no matter how brief.

Then I called 10 more of these, and followed that round by immediately calling 20. This FINALLY got some PAX to balk and protest. Every one of these exercises was arm heavy, this is a POORLY PLANNED set of exercises.

We moved over to another bit of chalk on the ground:
Manmakers 1
Snatch 5
Merkins 10
Lunge 16
Flutter 20

This set allowed us to focus more on the entire body rather than just working one set of muscles to exhaustion and encouraging bad form or injury. It also steps things up as part of the weinke rather than relying on the Q to call reps.

YHC discussed using this a set with holding Al Gore between rounds to keep PAX together. Or possibly having a loop distance to run and allow PAX to more at their own pace. I like to keep everyone together and help exhort the PAX to move to the next exercise or finish their current reps. If you’re concerned about your fitness level or your speed relative to other PAX. Setting up a list of exercises and a loop distance between rounds allows the rabbits to move like rabbits and the Clydesdales to move like Clydesdales. It can even encourage more 2nd F as guys pair up or group up to work together. Maybe as the Q you choose to group with a newer guy or stay with the six to encourage guys as they’re accelerating.

We then moved to the final set of chalk on the ground. I’d paired up some exercises and then listed a mode of transportation. We were running low on time, so I gave the heads up to overprepare the weinke, and be willing to adapt and adjust. You’ve sometimes got to modify up or down (especially considering run distance) based on the PAX present, or you’ve got to cut when you’ve over planned.

So we just did:

Swings 20
Merkins 20
Bear Crawl – Crawl Bear from one island to another

Single Leg Deadlift 10
Manmakers 10
Sprint the parking lot and back

We returned to COT at 5:56 for some Mary (only one minute behind my schedule)

I had PAX practicing calling some Mary in a circle. For the newer PAX, I encouraged them to just call the same exercise the guy before did. You don’t have to think of something brand new to lead. In fact, it’s hilarious (to me) when we get a string of guys that all call Flutters and everyone is grumbling. Sometimes it’s the Qs job to silence mumblechatter, and sometimes you want to encourage it!

Hope the Q-school session was helpful and/or this backblast is useful for someone planning their next KB workout.

One last point with the kettlebells, form is important. If you don’t feel comfortable with an exercise DON’T call it. If you can’t DO IT, don’t Q IT! Or if you do want to do it anyway and aren’t sure, call/text Tesh the night before to make sure he posts. Then ask him to demonstrate. (that’s what I do. you’re welcome)

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

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