Chills, Thrills, and Hills at Sweep the Leg

Chilly morning. Could be worse ….at least it wasn’t raining. No FNGs. Disclaimer disclaimed and off we went.

Quick run around the lot to find a dark road for COP warmups. 15-20 of each:
* WM
* IW

Then to the top of the hill at Dave Gibson Blvd. Noted this to the PAX as the top point of our journey. Then down the hill to where the cell phone access area is near the creek. This is the bottom point of our workout.

Hills of Thrills
* Start at the bottom of the hill. Do 5 reps each of merkins and plank jacks.
* Run to the top of the hill and then do 5 reps each of flying monkeys (jumping monkey humpers) and LBCs.
* Back to the bottom to repeat.
* Each round the reps of each exercise increased in increments of 5.
* So it was 5 reps of merkins and PJs. Run the hill. 5 reps of flying monkeys and LBCs. Run down the hill. Then 10-10, run up, 10-10, run down, 15-15, run up, and so on. Stopped at 25 reps of each at both points.
* In total we did approx 3 miles and 75 reps of each exercise.

Back to the parking lot for a loop around the lot. Short ends we did LT Dans. Long ends we sprinted.

Back to COT/endex.

Announcements, P&P:
* A LOT going on, read your newsletter
* Santa Boss, Christmas Eve convergence on 12/24. If you run AND do the convergence, an anonymous donor will give up to $75 for D2D causes.
* Prayers/praises for the coming of our Lord!
* Prayers/praises for Vuvu as he meets up with his boss after a long time apart
* Prayers for Yard Sale as he breaks away from a bad work situation and starts off on a newer more positive one
* Prayers for healing, patience, and support for those in need

Golden Nugget quote of the day…..heck the decade…..from Quack Attack:
Remember that every day we wake up is like Christmas, every evening is like Thanksgiving, and every night before bed is like New Year’s Eve. We are blessed to wake up every day and start over.

Man that one really puts things into perspective. Each day we are truly blessed to be here, each day is a blessed gift. As the day ends we should be thankful we were here for it, and as it ends we should celebrate being a part of it and look forward to the new beginning of tomorrow.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. God bless.

TClap |

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