ChuaHut and water buckets

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, overhead claps, low slow squats, merkins
THE THANG: two 2 men teams, partner 1 carried the 30# and 50# kettlebells alternating weights to the other side of the hut while partner 2 did squats; switch partners and switch exercise to lunges, keep switching until done with ruck swing, high pulls, flutters. We got soaked even under the hut.
Rain stopped and went for a 1/2 mile ish ruck.
Back at the hut we ditched the KB’s and found two 5 gallon buckets full of water, one per team. Go back and forth in a zigzag going around each post, back to partner and hand the bucket until reaching the last post.
Back to kettlebells, partner one carries KB other partner carries bucket, around the driveway in front of the church. Switch half way around the circle, alternate with other team between 30# and 50# KB, we did 8 laps.
Back at the hut, pax 1 will carry both buckets to the other side and back, longways, while 3 pax did different exercises. Four rounds of this.
Went for another 1/2 mile ish ruck, back at the hut for some Mary.
MARY: flutters, chest presses, American hammers, more vest presses and finished in with triceps extensions.

COT: prayers for families, kids and teachers.

Tinsel out.

TClap |

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