The Assembly Line

WARMUP: SSH, front plank, upward dog<>downward dog, dynamic front plank exercises (i.e. plank jacks, Peter parkers, etc), repeat all above until shoulders VERY warm
THE THANG: each pax grabs a cinder block and places on field in 1 yard increments
field assembly line
round 1: side shuffle between blocks and 15 yd bear crawl to beginning of blocks- repeat 2-3x
round 2: lateral merkin walk on cinder blocks left, bear crawl back, repeat going right, bear crawl back
round 3: forward and back shuffle in between cinder blocks and bear crawl back 2-3 rounds
round 4: lateral toe taps on Cinder blocks left, bear crawl and then repeat going right, bear crawl back
round 5: partner up at 2 blocks and alternate with partner 3 burpees with hands on cinder blocks for 60″
round 6: forward hop over block x2, alternating with partner for 60″

bars assembly line
1 pullup, 2 toes to bar or knees to chest, hang until pax to your right drops and then move to the bar to your right – repeated 10x total

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sawdust is finally 50! RESPECT

COT: HORIZONTAL assembly lines sucked. Quit the horizontal living and strive for VERTICAL relationship with the Lord!

TClap |

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