Cold + mumblechatter (whiners) = SlowBurn

The cold and the complaining was out in full force this morning. Great effort by … most

The first thing I did when I got home was was my sweatshirt, with my Weinke, so you get the cliff notes …

The pattern was 1. exercise on your feet 2. exercise on your 6 3. exercise on your feet 4. exercise in the plank position 5. rinse/repeat

We did stuff like: imperial walker, hillbilly walker, Travolta, shoulder tap, SSH, LBC, Mahktar N’Diaye, squats, sumo squats, Morrocan NC, OH Claps. Stuff like that. Mostly in dozens.

Then onto the those exercises that were rejected by the nation’s Exicon
Patrick Swayze: Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Power Skip, NUR with arms out
Jonah Hill: 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7x
Matt Foley: 1 animated squat, 4 dying cockroach, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20

Then a round of Assassin suicides, squats, imp walkers, OH claps, or something like that, super easy

Over to 4 corners where some actual did the work and some walked from corner to corner chit chatting
15 BB Sits, 15 Jump squats, 15 bombjacks, 15 merkins, 5 flying squirrels in the middle

To the wall for a sit and 2 burpees from each end, rinse/repeat

Back for 2 rounds of Assassin merkins
Donkey kicks, shoulder taps, mountain climbers

SlowBurn was my first AO I attended, SlowBurn was my first site Q, and has always been a great Friday workout. Thanks Weezer for the lead.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

TClap |

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