don’t eat so many chocolate cookies

WARMUP: 100 SSH with some blatant dance moves
THE THANG: ruck shuffling between the 4 corners of the EarthFare parking lot going over what each man’s goals are for the upcoming year. Reviewed the concept of the 8 block planning tool and each man shared some personal goals for 2023. At each corner there was an exercise performed. Single leg deadlift with weighted vest or rucksack was a crowd favorite. Burpees, squats, curb squats, merkins, ruck getups, cha-cha merkins, toe taps, lunges, cross over lunges, and some more single leg deadlift.
COT: Esso made a challenge to the PAX to have a plan for the first quarter of 2023. If you want to change then tell your Shieldlock and ask them to hold you accountable. It really is magical what a little accountability can do over a short period of time. Prayers for those dealing with sickness andv always for marriages. And patience during this holiday season with family.
Stay frosty my friend

TClap |

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